co2 equivalent conversion factors

Environment - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA A carbon dioxide equivalent or CO2 equivalent, abbreviated as CO2-eq is a metric measure used to compare the emissions from various greenhouse gases on the basis of their global-warming potential (GWP), by converting amounts of other gases to the equivalent amount of carbon dioxide with the same global warming potential. -equivalent Emissions Metric tonnes CO 2-equivalent* tCO 2 eq Abatement Costs and Emissions Prices / axesT constant US Dollar 2010 per metric tonne USD 2010 / t CO 2 concentration or Mixing Ratio (mol mol - 1) Parts per million (10^6) ppm CH 4 concentration or Mixing Ratio (mol mol - 1) Parts per billion (10^9) ppb N 2 O concentration . This guide and interactive spreadsheet provides a number of useful conversion factors to help you calculate energy consumption in common units and to work out the greenhouse gas emissions associated with energy use. 1 x - carbon dioxide (CO2) NOTE: Any carbon dioxide added to the atmosphere will hang around for a long time: between 300 to 1,000 years. Conversion Gas GWP GWP CH4 kg 0%25.00 Conversion Gas GWP GWP N2O kg 0%298.00 . How To Calculate Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (CO2e) Scott Salyer . The number one resource for sustainability in post-16 education Go to the equivalencies calculator page for more information. Releasing 1 kg of CH4 into the atmosphere is about equivalent to releasing 84 kg of CO 2. Emission factors for fuel combustion The following emission factors may be used for fuel combustion (including in the case of local production of heat or electricity). Overview. Edited by: Fred O'Hara Jr. 1 - International System of Units (SI) Prefixes 2 - Useful Quantities in CO 2 3 - Common Conversion Factors Two things make this more complicated: the gases have different 'strengths' of warming; and gases persist for different amounts of time in the atmosphere. Releasing 1 kg of N 2 O into the atmosphere is about equivalent to releasing about 298 kg of CO2. Common Energy Unit Conversion Factors The 100-year GWP is used to derive CO2e. To find the exact conversion factor for a resource, click on the Organization tab, select the library it belongs to under Resource Libraries and click on the desired resource name. a Carbon factors for municipal solid waste, tire-derived fuel, and waste oil are provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Greenhouse Gas Emissions Factor Hub b The carbon factor for municipal solid waste has been adjusted to apply both to biogenic and non-biogenic waste Note: To convert to carbon equivalents multiply by 12/44. PER COUNTRY Kg CO21 PER REGION2 Kg CO2 Australia 0.823 AFRICA includes: Algeria, Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, This is based on diesel density of 0.833 kg/Lit and 43 TJ/Gg of NCV). The conversion factors guide helps you calculate your organisation's carbon emissions - with guidance on how to convert energy use and carbon emissions into common units. It is the average emission rate of a given source, relative to units of activity or process/processes. The conversion factors guide helps you calculate your organisation's carbon emissions - with guidance on how to convert energy use and carbon emissions into common units. 2013 Revisions to the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule (PDF) to 40 CFR part 98, subpart C: Table C-1 to Subpart CDefault CO2 Emission Factors and High Heat Values for Various Types of Fuel and Table C-2 to Subpart CDefault CH4 and N2O Emission Factors for Various Types of Fuel. Oil equivalents (abbreviated o.e.) For any quantity and type of greenhouse gas, CO2e signifies the amount of CO2 which would have the equivalent global warming impact. emissions equivalents using the Conversion Factors (provided in this document), you can transfer the resulting CO2 emission equivalents/year, as baseline start of the project( ) and target amounts (end of the project), to the expected outcomes -table. For 12 litres of diesel consumption in stationary GHG emission source like DG set will release 0.03184 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent emission (Diesel emission factor is 0.002653 tCO2/Lit. In the case of CFCs, this equivalency factor ranges from 400 to 15,000 depending on the time horizon. You can get CO2e for Onroad vehicles by selecting it in the Pollutant/Process panel of the GUI. This page describes the calculations used to convert greenhouse gas emission numbers into different types of equivalent units. Conversion factors. The number one resource for sustainability in post-16 education The Carbon Trust CO2 conversion factors which link in with the Defra values. This allows an organization to report one number to represent all of their emissions. Carbon dioxide-equivalents (CO 2 eq) try to sum all of the warming impacts of the different greenhouse gases together in order to give a single measure of total greenhouse gas emissions. These are the global warming potential factors used in MOVES: Methane (CH4) 25. Material Non Iron metal Zinc Zinc r. kg 0.48 Material Non Iron metal Zinc Zinc v. kg 3.86 . A note on global warming potentials (GWPs): Some of the equivalencies in the calculator are reported as CO 2 equivalents (CO 2 E). 2019 Grid Electricity Emissions Factors v1.0 - June 2019 8 AUSTRALIA REGIONAL FACTORS (BY STATE) State specific factors are sourced from publicly available emissions factors published by the Australian Government to support annual GHG measurements. This guide and interactive spreadsheet provides a number of useful conversion factors to help you calculate energy consumption in common units and to work out the greenhouse gas emissions associated with energy use. A carbon dioxide equivalent or CO 2 equivalent, abbreviated as CO 2-eq is a metric measure used to compare the emissions from various greenhouse gases on the basis of their global-warming potential (GWP), by converting amounts of other gases to the equivalent amount of carbon dioxide with the same global warming potential.. All this time, it will be contributing to trapping heat and warming the atmosphere. However, if one were to try and come to an equivalent GWP number for a greenhouse gas other than carbon dioxide, such as CFCs, a greenhouse gas equivalency factor would need to be used. The conversion factor from physical units to CO2 equivalent is the GWP of the corresponding GHG. Factors for carbon and carbon dioxide 1 mole C/liter = 12.011 10 -3 Gt C/km 3 1 ppm by volume of atmosphere CO 2 = 2.13 Gt C (Uses atmospheric mass (M a) = 5.137 10 18 kg) 1 mole CO 2 = 44.009 g CO 2 = 12.011 g C 1 g C = 0.083 mole CO 2 = 3.664 g CO 2 Table 4. 8.89 10 -3 metric tons CO 2 /gallon gasoline 11,556 VMT car/truck average 1/22.5 miles per gallon car/truck average 1 CO 2, CH 4, and N 2 O/0.993 CO 2 = 4.60 metric tons CO2E/vehicle /year Sources EPA (2020). The use of fuels leads to emissions of carbon dioxide (CO 2) and small quantities of other greenhouse gases - including methane (CH 4) and nitrous . Emissions Emission factors in kg CO2-equivalent per unit. Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2018. greenhouse gas conversion factors. A light duty vehicle is defined as a vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating of less than 3,856 kilograms (8,500 lbs) (EPA 2017). Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 1. These emission conversion factors are for use by UK and international organisations to report on 2021 greenhouse gas emissions. 84 x - methane (CH4) - I.e. The energy conversion factors given in this leaflet are quoted as total direct kgCO2 e per unit of fuel. This is based on diesel density of 0.833 kg/Lit and 43 TJ/Gg of NCV). For 12 litres of diesel consumption in stationary GHG emission source like DG set will release 0.03184 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent emission (Diesel emission factor is 0.002653 tCO2/Lit. The Carbon Trust CO2 conversion factors which link in with the Defra values. If X Gg/kt of CH4 is to be expressed in terms of CO2 equivalent, then it is multiplied by the GWP of CH4 over 100 years timescale, which is 21 or 25 (depending on the group of Party). This factor was then converted to metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent by multiplying by 44/12, the molecular weight ratio of carbon dioxide to carbon. The fraction of carbon in carbon dioxide is the ratio of their weights. So, to switch from one to the other, use the formula: One ton of carbon equals 44/12 = 11/3 = 3.67 tons of carbon dioxide . Third Edition. [1] For example: the natural gas emits 0.244 kg CO2eq / kWh ICV (European mean) with 5% uncertainty. To start, a brief explanation of CO2e may help. These are calculated using GWPs from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate . 2013 Revisions to the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule (PDF) to 40 CFR part 98, subpart C: Table C-1 to Subpart CDefault CO2 Emission Factors and High Heat Values for Various Types of Fuel and Table C-2 to Subpart CDefault CH4 and N2O Emission Factors for Various Types of Fuel. For any quantity and type of greenhouse gas, CO2e signifies the amount of CO2 which would have the equivalent global warming impact. Calculating your energy use and carbon emissions can be useful for monitoring energy use internally within a business . Diesel density value is sourced from Indian Oil website. Calculating your energy use and carbon emissions can be useful for monitoring energy use internally within a business . An emission factor is a coefficient which allows to convert activity data into GHG emissions. Contents taken from Glossary: Carbon Dioxide and Climate, 1990. When dealing with carbon dioxide, the amount of molecules being emitted is the only metric that needs to be quantified in order to come to a GWP approximation. Greenhouse gas reporting: conversion factors 2021 - GOV.UK Skip to . The conversion factors are for use by UK and international organisations to report on 2020 greenhouse gas emissions. Calculation Note: Due to rounding, performing the calculations given in the equations below may not return the exact results shown. Carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) "Carbon dioxide equivalent" or "CO2e" is a term for describing different greenhouse gases in a common unit. Material Non Iron metal Zinc Zinc r. kg 0.48 Material Non Iron metal Zinc Zinc v. kg 3.86 . 298 x - nitrous oxide (N2O) - I.e. gas other than carbon dioxide, such as CFCs, a greenhouse gas equivalency factor would need to be used. Nitrous Oxide (N2O) 298. Chapter 3 (Energy), Tables 3-13, 3-14, and 3-15. emissions equivalents using the Conversion Factors (provided in this document), you can transfer the resulting CO2 emission equivalents/year, as baseline start of the project( ) and target amounts (end of the project), to the expected outcomes -table. The conversion factor from physical units to CO2 equivalent is the GWP of the corresponding GHG. ! is a term used to sum up volumes of oil, gas, NGL and condensate. This will produce a table with greenhouse gas emissions factors and other information about the . Overview. 4. Refer to the next question for the GWPs used for each group of Party. Carbon dioxide equivalents are commonly expressed as million metric . Reagent Chemical CO2 Carbon dioxide liquid, CO2 kg 0.82 Reagent Chemical Cu2O Copper oxide, Cu2O kg 2.07 . a Carbon factors for municipal solid waste, tire-derived fuel, and waste oil are provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Greenhouse Gas Emissions Factor Hub b The carbon factor for municipal solid waste has been adjusted to apply both to biogenic and non-biogenic waste Note: To convert to carbon equivalents multiply by 12/44. In order to obtain conversion factors for litres of gasoline combusted, light-duty vehicle data is used. Calculation of GWP If X Gg/kt of CH4 is to be expressed in terms of CO2 equivalent, then it is multiplied by the GWP of CH4 over 100 years timescale, which is 21 or 25 (depending on the group of Party). Why is there such a large variation for CFCs' equivalency factors and why do they differ depending on a time horizon? Carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) "Carbon dioxide equivalent" or "CO2e" is a term for describing different greenhouse gases in a common unit. It's 20-year and 100-year GWP are basically the same. Diesel density value is sourced from Indian Oil website. greenhouse gas conversion factors. Nitrous oxide persists in the atmosphere for more than a century. The greenhouse gas conversion factor comprises the effect of the CO2 , CH 4 and N 2 O combined - this is quoted as kgCO2 e per unit of fuel consumed. -equivalent Emissions Metric tonnes CO 2-equivalent* tCO 2 eq Abatement Costs and Emissions Prices / axesT constant US Dollar 2010 per metric tonne USD 2010 / t CO 2 concentration or Mixing Ratio (mol mol - 1) Parts per million (10^6) ppm CH 4 concentration or Mixing Ratio (mol mol - 1) Parts per billion (10^9) ppb N 2 O concentration .
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