The script was just the best I'd read in a long time and I love the humor, which I wasn't expecting, and I like the fact that my six year old daughter can see the show without being, you know, protected from it. Candidates tend to lose marks in the English section if their vocabulary is not up to the mark. Transition Words Showing Consequence Essay Writing Skills Writing Words Transition Words What is another word for emphasis. Re-emphasise synonyms - 49 Words and Phrases for Re-emphasise. 2. Synonyms for Emphasize: n. v. •intensify (verb) escalate, accentuate, heighten, deepen, increase, underline, sharpen, exaggerate, magnify, intensify, stress. Other synonyms: • foreground, outweigh, stand out, iterate, insist, highlight. n. strong emphasis. . words. Find 17 ways to say EMPHASIZING, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. There Is Very Limited Attention and Be Placed Little Emphasis On. 1. Past tense for to stress or emphasize the importance of something. The College of Earth and Mineral … Answer (1 of 2): What's another word for emphasis? overview; mutual synonyms; Terms with meaning between in a variety of ways and in multiple forms. n. big emphasis. emphasize - WordReference thesaurus: synonyms, discussion and more. They told you again and again and again. 1. Different wording, Synonyms, Idioms for emphysematous Learn more. Verb, base form Moving your feet down will emphasize the quads more, while moving them up emphasizes the glutes. Synonyms for emphasize include highlight, stress, accent, and more. Verb. accent, accentuate, feature, foreground, highlight, illuminate, play up, point (up), Another word for emphasize: highlight, stress, insist, underline, draw attention to | Collins English Thesaurus emphasise synonyms, emphasise pronunciation, emphasise translation, English dictionary definition of emphasise. Quotes about show . Having a powerful or persuasive effect. phrases. Emphasize is the preferred American spelling. If a particular answer is generating a lot of interest on the site today, it may be highlighted in orange. Another word for emphasis. Noun. Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.. The meaning of emphasize is to give special attention to (something) : to place emphasis on (something). Emphasize is a verb that means to give importance to something. Noun : Special importance, value, or prominence placed on something importance, attention, priority, significance, stress. To encourage (a behavior, feeling, relationship or idea) through repeated stimulus. insist highlight. To assess or sort according to quality or some other aspect. 825 other terms for emphasis- words and phrases with similar meaning. Synonyms for emphasize in Free Thesaurus. Synonyms and related words. Synonyms: overdo, overdraw, overplay… Antonyms: belittle, de-emphasize, minimize… Find the right word. sentences. Free thesaurus definition of ways of emphasizing what you are saying from the Macmillan English Dictionary - a free English dictionary online with thesaurus and with pronunciation from Macmillan Education. emphasize again. List 11 wise famous quotes about Dissipate Synonyms: Bonhoeffer's emphasis on the deep this-worldliness of Christianity does not lead to de-escahtologizing the gospel. re-emphasize: 1 v emphasize anew “The director re-emphasized the need for greater productivity” Synonyms: re-emphasise Type of: accent , accentuate , emphasise , emphasize , punctuate , stress to stress, single out as important Synonyms for Emphasize (other words and phrases for Emphasize). Calls attention to. emphasizing. Accentuate definition, to give emphasis or prominence to. How Do I Show Emphasis in a Sentence. Oxford English and Spanish Dictionary, Synonyms, and Spanish to English Translator definitions. … more . Overemphasize: to treat (something) with more importance than is needed or proper. emphasize and insist on. Another word for empathy: the ability to sense and understand someone else's feelings as if they were one's own | Collins English Thesaurus Noun. 1. accent, emphasis- special importance or significance. Lists. synonyms. Contexts. The expression In A Variety Of Ways can be replaced with expression More Than One Way in some context. To call attention to. Whose vs. Who's: Get Acquainted With Which One to Use. Heavy Emphasis synonyms - 60 Words and Phrases for Heavy Emphasis. Antonyms for emphasize. Contexts. definitions. n. significant emphasis. antonyms. Many synonyms have been found, however, to express no specific function and are considered redundant. thesaurus. To draw special attention to. synonyms. Synonyms for 'Emphasize'. Antonyms for highlight. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol). We found 19 answers for “Setting” . Use filters to view other words, we have 990 synonyms for emphasize. Please try again in a few minutes. What is another word for emphasizes? said. cannot. words. Synonyms and Antonyms form an important part of competitive exams. If your word has any anagrams, they'll be listed too along with a … Parts of speech. What is another word for emphasis. sentences. (work) a. el empleo. A dramatic bridal look usually involves heavy emphasis on the eyes by creating a smoky eye either in grey or bronze, a neutral blush on the cheekbones and a rose or reddish brown lip color. Noun … Explore Thesaurus . 2. overview; mutual synonyms; Terms with meaning between there is very limited attention and be placed little emphasis on. v. emphasize once again. This is the British English definition of emphasize.View American English definition of emphasize. Copy. man, dog, house). phrases. Learn more. 1. insist on dwell on. overview; mutual synonyms; The terms in a variety of ways and more than one way are synonyms (terms with similar meaning).. n. Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for EMPHASISE We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word emphasise will help you to finish your crossword today. Best Answer. Find another word for de-emphasize.In this page you can discover 14 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for de-emphasize, like: minimize, understate, play down, tone down, soft-pedal, show, de-emphasise, destress, inputoutput, and non-semantic. Wiki User. Synonyms for Emphasis (other words and phrases for Emphasis). synonyms bring attention to , call attention to, draw attention to, focus attention on, highlight, point up, spotlight, foreground, play up, make a point of stress , weight, lay stress on, put stress on, give an emphasis to, give prominence to, bring to the fore All Free. Present participle for to draw special attention to. strengthen accent. Define emphasise. Contexts . To make a claim. The Court shall have authority to demand the presence of witnesses. emphasize and insist. es 1. Pause before the word you want to emphasize. If you want to emphasize a word in a speech, make a short pause just before introducing the term. This will grab your audience's attention, indicating important information is coming. Pause for a few seconds in your sentence just before introducing the important word. Another word for emphasis. foreground highlight, bring attention to. Synonyms for Emphasize. Here are synonyms of ‘emphasis’ with its 16 different meanings: 1. Here you use the antonyms for emphasize. ‘I want to emphasize all the words in the title of this conference.’ ‘I keep referring to the word ‘disclosure’ because that is the word I am emphasising in my new title for this bill.’ ‘The words which I have emphasised replace the words of the section as enacted in …
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