The Wraithblades disembarked and annihilated the Horrors - they all died due to instability. So obviously, I proceeded to disregard everything that I learned during that game, and not give my Nurgle Princes Baleswords for Instant . That means you might just see them show up (and in larger numbers, too). Wanting to take out the last chimera, the wraithblades charge it and explode it, killing all but 3 men.
I will apprecciate if someone could answer my question, so I might think about new possibility of a tactic in my compstomp. Some lucky rolls however made sure that they closed the distance really quick. Astra Militarum Crusade with Raven Guard vs Eldar - 55 Power Level. ABILITIES. If you don't have at least 10 ghost-bots on the field with their distinctive teardrop heads, it just doesn't feel like a wraith army, (even if you have 1000 points of other units with "wraith" in the name somewhere.) Updates: revising a paint scheme, a dark lady, and evil Wraithguard. On the other hand, the Spiritseer can make Wraithblades, Wraithguard, or Striking Scorpions a 2+ unit, which would be tremendously durable (I left out Warp Spiders as it will be difficult for the Spiritseer to keep up with them). Batrep (mini) #1 Eldar vs Orks - posted in = CRAFTWORLD ELDAR =: Batrep #1 Eldar vs. Orks This will be brief and these early batreps wont have pictures because I hate using proxies but as I learn the army and change it, I will do my best to get some models on the table. 138. A unit of Wraithblades arrived too and swiftly wiped out my infantry in my deployment zone centre. You see the look on that one guy's face when he pours . So, wraithblades - posted in = CRAFTWORLD ELDAR =: Will anyone be using them? Especially with a serpent. After giving it some thought I think I might drop the d-scyth wraithguard in favour of wraithblades with axes (wraithblades over wriathgaurd simply because of what I already have modeled). The Calypsis Conflict: a series vs 7ed Eldar update june 19 - posted in + DARK ANGELS +: Brothers of the first Legion, I bring news from the calypsis sector. Wraithblades. Here at 40 Warzone, we weren't entirely happy with the way the Battle Report played out in the latest White Dwarf with the Space Marines losing to Chaos (you need to use different armies WD guys). The Wraithguard Serpent was Immobilized and dropped to 1 HP, while the D-Scythe Serpent was destroyed outright, and the D-scythes themselves were wiped out as well. The Wraithblades annihilated the Nurglings with S7 attacks. Warhammer/Eldar/ The Void Dragon Pheonix came out before there were ally rules and making it.
The Spiritseer will run with this squad giving them +1 to hit and re-rolls on hit rolls of one. Wraithblades in the new codex are just as deadly as they've always been, with some added bonuses. Tau Vs Eldar Iyanden 3000 points standard tourney scenario.
In terms of the Wraithguard, the Wraithcannon equipped units received a slightly below game average and well below category average increase of 15% with the Wraithblades both receiving a ~14% bump.The below average increase on these units is important as the early implications of 9th edition and top of turn scoring is that units will need to be . Dark Eldar (1500 pts) - The Wraithhost walks! I got everybody up in the air to avoid the incoming D-flamers. - Wraithguard are cheaper both points-wise and financially speaking, and are now S5 and T6, and have the option to be equipped with Wraithblades as per the current Codex's in place of their guns, making them a dangerous close combat unit. The D-scythe is crazy. But then damage output wasnt that great, just the staying power. D-Scythes will be out of range from deep strike and either flavour of Wraithguard will have to make a 9 inch . The place is fully stocked. A beautifully painted Void Dragon Phoenix. Wraithguard (Cannons vs. D-Scythes): You can't go wrong with either choice. Their standard weaponry: the Wraithcannon is pretty amazing and will scare most MC's and Terminators into hiding (Combine with doom and you are likely to roll at least one six, insta killing most models). On a 2+ the nearest visible enemy unit within 24" suffers D3 mortal wounds. Turn 3 - Azure Flames. - posted in Aeldari Army Lists: Just thought I would share my current list. Vs. Wraith Eldar. Wraithguard and Wraithblades.
Astra Militarum Crusade with Raven Guard vs Eldar - 55 Power Level. They can both be pretty durable and devastating options but will the points decrease be enough to have them show up on the tabletop? The benefits from the Runes of Battle benefit them so much more than they do Wraithguard. Wraithblades with axes and shields . The Wraithcannon . I suspect Wraithblades will be an aficionado's unit in this codex, just with how good Wraithguard are at the moment. Battle Report - Space Marines vs Eldar - 3000pts. Serpent Shield: Any damage suffered by a Wave Serpent from a ranged weapon is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 1. I summoned Daemonettes for objective holding. Smaller Wraith units have received an additional point of Toughness in the new codex, bringing Wraithguard and Wraithblades up to Toughness 6 and Wraithlords to Toughness 8, making them markedly more resilient against incoming enemy fire. This gives the whole unit Battle Focus , whether or not they're near the Spiritseer, and as a bonus to sticking close to the psychic minder, they can re-roll failed To Hit rolls against units within 18″ of the . Use this Stratagem at the start of your turn. If you read my last Warhammer 40k post, you'll know how good Wave Serpents are now. Once in a while, you get tired of losing. This unit contains 5 Howling Banshees. Several Wraithblades attacked some of the drop pods to wreck two of the three. Scenario: we used the ETC tournament scenarios. - Wraithguard and Wraithblades look good, think scaled down Wraithlords. Each unit plays a very particular . I'll split the avengers into 2 groups of 5 in wave serpents to fulfill my primary detachment requirements of 2 troop choices. 3000 point Epic Tau Vs Eldar. Every model has a banshee mask. So keep your shirt on because I'm pretty confident that the Wraithlords are going to have it when the Codex does drop.
When resolving an attack made with this weapon, on a wound roll of 6+ this weapon has an Armour Penetration characteristic of -3 for that attack.
This was a 55 Power Level game and I used a few Requisition Points (RP) right away to increase my Supply . The Warlock will try and stay as central in the meatball of wraithguard to cast conceal. Sneaky Wave Serpent! Chaos Daemons/Marines vs Eldar/Dark Eldar 06.10.2015. Wraithblades with Ghost Swords put out 3-4 attacks per player-turn at S6 -3 AP. Sadly the magnets we were using are a little big for this job, so we will have to bring in some 1mm x 1mm magnets. On a 2+ the nearest visible enemy unit within 24" suffers D3 mortal wounds. The Stormlord then exploded! The Wraithguard are also fearless in battle due to the nature of their bodies and undead souls. This is my first Astra Militarum Crusade game with my newly acquired Raven Guard Scouts from Red Eagle Studio. They looked a bit bigger than the old ones, but I think it was partly just the added range of motion in the poses on 40mm bases (similar to the old 25mm base Terminators vs the newer 40mm base ones, they are bigger but the better poses help as well). I'm hung up building the Wraithguard in deciding if they should have guns or melee weapons. Wraithblades got a big boost in 9th edition because of the smaller board-size and the emphasis on being able to hold objectives throughout an opponent's turn. Made up of three units of Wraithguard and/or Wraithblades, a Wraithlord and a Wraithknight - along with an attendant Spiritseer. We did some test rolling last night and all options seem nasty - I'm leaning towards D-scythes if I go guard, and axes if I go blades. Howling Banshees. Although all of this was for nought at all that mattered was the Autarch.
Of course the normal crap job of battle reports continues.