Counterfactuals (expressions that express facts contrary to what the world is): If Mary had entered the raffle, she would have won. - Mary is a linguist. about 'presupposition triggers', including which these triggers are and how they are used, as well as some examples. Assumptions and Presuppositions Whenever we talk, we take some things for granted. Alternatively, Heim (1991) suggested a possible derivation from implicatures. Namely, the presupposition trigger should be more obligatory if an exhaustive inference is made prominent by the context; however, if no contradiction arises, the trigger is pre-dicted to be superfluous. If a sentence containing a trigger is uttered out of the blue and without the context explicitly verifying its presupposition, the utterance can be saved via accommodation, a process whereby the speaker assumes the presupposition to be true and adds it to the common ground.
Considering the heterogeneity of the field of presupposition (previously discussed, among others, by Abusch, 2002; Glanzberg, 2005; for an early statement, see Karttunen and Peters, 1979:1-2), I observed in Sbisà (2007a) that some presupposition triggers yield presuppositions that tend to survive under negation more steadily than others. all.
61-87. In Chapter 3, Chierchia extends the dynamic approach to the domain of syntactic theory, considering a range of empirical problems that includes backwards anaphora, reconstruction effects, and weak crossover.
another in general by their triggers. These include inter alia topic-focus articulation, verbs expressing termination of an activity, factive verbs, the "whys and how comes", and past or . To understand how presupposition triggers contribute to linguistic meaning, a hearer has to be able to distinguish the presupposed information introduced by the trigger from any non-presupposed information (e.g., entailments, implicatures) and also understand how these various components interact and contribute to the final meaning of a host . Similarly, "this" is a presupposition trigger requiring something to refer to, the bare plural is a presupposition trigger requiring existence of multiple individuals, and "would" is a presupposition trigger requiring a salient future or hypothetical circumstance. All else being equal, this "scalar implicature approach to presuppositions" predicts uniform behavior for the two types of inferences. Decide for each of the following pairs which sentence contains a presupposition. The book is intended for those studying both philosophy and linguistics and also for those sociolinguists and psychologists with a more general interest in the theory of communication.
Initial experimental studies comparing them yielded conflicting results. •Presuppositions project from embeddings. Our advantage is the ICAC. Namely, the presupposition trigger should be more obligatory if an exhaustive inference is made prominent by the context; however, if no contradiction arises, the trigger is pre-dicted to be superfluous. However the spoken corpus data that I will present shows that the Indeed, it seems plausible to me that legal officials often . At first, it will be pointed out what . In so doing, it is hoped to solve a great many problems which can not be convincingly pervasive in traditional grammar. Here is an example: (1) 1997 is no excuse for corruption. Conjunctions are filters too. That is, we assume something to be the case, based on information we know from our previous experiences. Identify the presupposition-trigger. catures and the insertion of triggers, in particular, additive particles.
assertive contents), in that they generally convey backgrounded, uncontroversial information with respect to the context of utterance.
In this way, you always view your theme from within the framework of one of the NLP principles. (Renans et al. You will receive your score and answers at the end. In order to do so, this is going to be followed by an explanatory part about 'presupposition triggers', including which these triggers are and how they are used, as well as some examples. 3. Offers students an accessible introduction. It aims to probe its use as a presupposition trigger bordering in semantics and pragmatics. Exercise: Find out the presupposition triggers in the following sentence: (12) He is surprised that even the neighbor whom he met only in the parking lot is willing to help his son. There is, however, a small difference: for assumptions are also a way of implying things. (:vips 7585:) •The things that trigger them are called presupposition triggers. Lecture Five: Presupposition 1. This paper is intended to make a detailed study of too in the framework of presupposition. b. And since (8b) contains no presupposition trigger, it also presupposes nothing at 5 It is tempting to try to articulate in greater detail the nature of this oddness.
In order to do so, this is going to be followed by an explanatory part about 'presupposition triggers', including which these triggers are and how they are used, as well as some examples. •Presuppositions behave like pronouns with semantic content: -You try and bind it to an antecedent; -But if you can't, you accommodate it. This paper is intended to make a detailed study of too in the framework of presupposition. Marta Carretero - English Semantics and Pragmatics 4 PRELIMINARY NOTES AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This manual covers the basic contents of Semántica y pragmática del inglés ('English semantics and pragmatics'), an optional subject in the Degree in English Studies at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Ambiguity is a large topic of focus for semantics. But . Zeevat H (2002).
Pragmatics: Overview J L Mey, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark 2006 . bei den Exercises 1.1. ist die Seite zu Megaphone eine Help-page, warum genau verstehe ich nicht winziger Schönheitsfehler bei 2.: die Leerzeichen vor den "Click me"s sind auch Links Maybe add Glossary entry definition (A presupposition is a background belief or assumption relating to an utterance.) Counterfactual Presupposition It is the assumption that what is presupposed is not only untrue, but is the opposite of what is true, or contrary to facts.
'Cindy is seeing her doctor . The use of all in (12b) leads to an inference that at least one of John's sisters is polygamous. 5 Presupposition 5.1 Presupposition, Negation, and Entailment 5.2 Presupposition Triggers 5.3 The Projection Problem 5.4 Defeasibility 5.5 Presupposition as Common Ground 5.6 Accommodation 5.7 Summary 6 Speech Acts 6.1 Performative Utterances 6.2 Felicity Conditions 6.3 Locutionary Acts 6.4 Direct and Indirect Speech Acts 6.5 Face and . Preface x Acknowledgments xii 1 Defining Pragmatics 1 1.1 Pragmatics and Natural Language 2 1.2 The Boundary Between Semantics and Pragmatics 9 1.3 Summary 34 1.4 Exercises and Discussion Questions 36 2 Gricean Implicature 40 2.1 The Cooperative Principle 41 2.2 Types of Implicature 62 2.3 Testing for Implicature 68 2.4 The Gricean Model of Meaning 73 2.5 Summary 74 2.6 Exercises and . Having defined presupposition of a question more precisely, we then examine Yes-No questions, Wh-questions, and exclusive-or questions with respect to several kinds of presupposition triggers. Introduction. This book, which has been written for linguists and philosophers working in the field of semantics, deals with presupposition and its dependence . triggers. Neither candidate is . 3.6 Derivational Relations 72 3.6.1 Causative verbs 72 3.6.2 Agentive nouns 73 3.7 Lexical Universals 74 3.7.1 Colour terms 74 3.7.2 Core vocabulary 77 3.7.3 Universal lexemes 78 3.8 Summary 79 Further reading 80 Exercises 80 4 Sentence Relations and Truth 87 4.1 Introduction 87 4.2 Logic and Truth 89 4.3 Necessary Truth, A Priori Truth and . the semantic entailment in (3) dissolves whereas the presupposition in (2) survives. Obligatory Presupposition Triggers Presupposition triggers are obligatory when their presupposition is fulfilled in the context, see (1). Addresses the traditional range of topics - such as implicature, reference, presupposition, and speech acts - as well as newer areas of research, including neo-Gricean theories, Relevance.
#A sun is shining. Instructions: Choose an answer and hit 'next'. generating linguistic items are called presupposition triggers. [ Richards et al, 1987: 228] Presuppositions are inferences about what is assumed to be true in the utterance rather than directly asserted to be true. At first, it will be pointed out what 'entailment' means by using a truth-based definition by John I. Saeed. E.g. Karttunen alone quoted in Levinson (ibid: 181) has collected thirty one kinds of such triggers. Semantics (meaning): the study of inherent, linguistic meaning of words and sentences. And second, when attitudinal nouns are used, the N-be-that-construction triggers the presupposition that what is stated in the that-clauses is necessarily true. Presuppositions and scalar implicatures are traditionally considered to be distinct phenomena, but recent accounts analyze (at least some of) the former as the latter. Using presupposition triggers, surprisingly the author or speaker impinges on readers or listeners . (1) a. The proportion and the type of presupposition triggers used in syntactical level can be seen in figure 2 below (per 100 sen- tences).
Obligatory presupposition trigger effects trigger both and the otherwise identical sequence involving all. Presupposition has long been used as a property of language to mold the audience's ideology. Notice and share all the new perspectives ( reframes) that result from this. You can also say: an assumption or a presupposition is a standard starting point that is being accepted. Maximize Presupposition! 2 Inasmuch as this paper is an exercise in the pragmatic analysis of discourse and an attempt to reflect more deeply upon the theoretical concepts which Make up examples analogous (15) and (16) that could be used to show this, using different presupposition triggers. b. (:vips 7584:) b) Bill is a better linguist than Mary. That is, we assume something to be the case, based on information we know from our previous experiences. Introduction to Pragmatics guides students through traditional and new approaches in the field, focusing particularly on phenomena at the elusive semantics/pragmatics boundary to explore the role of context in linguistic communication. The third chapter is going to examine the semantic theory of 'entailment' and its main ideas. A presupposition is a condition which must be fulfilled in order for an expression to make sense A presupposition is introduced by a lexical element or construction called the presupposition trigger 6. This is sometimes used as a 'test' for a presupposition, and it highlights how a presupposition can take on the appearance of 'established truth'. In this paper, Bart Geurts In pragmatics, too is considered as a . It's worth mentioning that presupposition triggers spotted in the transcripts were tested by using constancy under negation rule. EXERCISE said she got a good look at his face.) 3 Other presupposition triggers We refer to expressions that introduce presuppositions as presupposition triggers. Van der Sandt R (1992).
Initial experimental studies comparing them yielded conflicting results. Which word or words seem responsible for introducing the presupposition?
Cummins investigates the role played by the context in this phenomenon and, after claiming that the inferences that are taken over the is an economy condition that adjudicates between contextually equivalent competing structures.