period 8 days late, negative pregnancy test and cramping

3. If no periods in 3 days then repeat urine pregnancy test and Consult gynecologist.

Took pregnancy test on 8-20 which was negative. Jun 12, 2016 12:17PM in Trying to conceive. The hubby and I had sexy time on the 31st.

Could I be pregnant? Her next period .

The last time I was late like this I was . 6 days late, help?!!

A missed period may be a sign of pregnancy or another . Ectopic Pregnancy.

If your period is very late, or you've skipped your period, and you get a negative result, you are unlikely to be pregnant. 6 days late, cramping but negative pregnancy test?! Comment from: Veda, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: May 08 My symptoms were light cramping, nausea and abdomen pain.

A negative pregnancy test result means the test hasn't detected hCG in your urine. 1.3 Illness Can Cause Missed Period. Reasons for late period negative pregnancy test white discharge: 1. anonymous on August 16, 2018: My husband says I'm crazy. There are several reasons for a missed period, light bleeding and negative pregnancy test, such as the test results might be wrong, you took the test wrong, or you took the test too early. . Hi There. Three days late, constant cramps since three days, negative pregnancy test when taken after 1 day of missed period. To solve that, do the test after the day you expected your period.

You are pregnant - but you're too far along for the test to detect it. Sarah43.

I'm 8 days late, and I'm usually very regular 30 day cycle, in fact my last 3 periods have been 1day early and I usually spot 2 days before. Anorexia: Anorexia is an eating disorder when you are obsessed about eating less and exercising more. If it doesn't start in a few days, take a pregnancy test again. . Days 6 to 8: As estrogen levels in your body drop, if you have got negative pregnancy test even after 10 days of missed period then it can be due to PCOD. There cramps have lasted days. Other causes of abdominal cramps are signs of your period coming soon, ovarian cyst, ovarian cancer, and perimenopause. 20 days late for period negative test! Blood tests can give accurate results as soon as 6 to 8 days after ovulation. babylove81 Fri 13-Mar-15 00:58:37.

Is there still a possibility I am pregnant, has anyone else gone through this? 4 negative tests, 8 days late, and mild cramping [ 1 Answers ] I'm 24, my period was due on 10/18/2007, I don't have many pregnancy symptoms, I was nausious today, and a couple days ago, I had butterfly's also. I've taken four pregnancy test and all have come back negative. After the miscarriage my periods were normal, every 28 days but I'm now 8 days late. Never later, never earlier, I've never missed a period.

My cycles usually last from 35-37 days and I am on day 42 without a period and a negative test. The solution here is just to wait a few days: If you're PMSing, you'll get your period, and if you're pregnant, you won't (and another pregnancy test in a few days may let you know).

7 mins readHowever Missed period, negative pregnancy test, white discharge, cramping.

Can I be pregnant? Here are other ovulation signs. If the test comes out negative, you may need to start exploring the solutions of the other possible causes as discusse below. I have no symptoms. My period is 4 days late and I took a pregnancy test. I waited for 10 more days, took another pregnancy test - still negative. 1 Even if your period is late according to your typical cycle, you might have ovulated later in the month.

i am 5 days late too i didnt do a prg test yet.

The lines can be so, so faint in these early days, so as hard as it is, I would recommend you try to relax then test again next week. and im honestly so scared so any advice would completely help!

It's not uncommon to occasionally have an off or irregular cycle.

8 days late is quite a bit late, so hopefully this will be a positive result for you! When you realize that you are in such a situation, the best course of action is to consult your doctor. I have no PMS or pregnancy symptoms except major fatigue.

my last period was july, 12th and my cycle is usually 30-32 days the most is 34 days. Since most pregnancy tests claim to detect early signs of pregnancy with even the slightest hCG amounts, it may seem impossible to test negative after missing your period. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) 3. There's also always the chance of a false negative if you take the test too early. #9 thelioncub, Aug 5, 2011.

Question: My last period was on 9 Jan, and test again in a week if it does not come.

5 minutes ago. However, while these early detection tests work for most people, every woman is different, and the quantity of the pregnancy hormone hCG doubles every 2 to 3 days. Late period, negative test, pregnant?

Now, this is todays test 3 days post expected period. Ectopic Pregnancy.

If you have cramps but no period and white discharge, you must take a pregnancy test. 5.

Everlyn on August 19, 2018: I am 3 weeks late for my period.

Irregular periods and negative pregnancy test; 42 and 2 missed periods but negative blood and urine tests. I also track it every single month, it comes every 29 days & if it is late it shows up on day 30/31 of my cycle.

Missed period, light bleeding and still it is a negative pregnancy test. You got one line in the "C" part of the test, and nothing in the "T" part? You could also get a false negative if you tested later in the day, rather than with your first-morning urine, especially very early in pregnancy, since there . During ovulation, vaginal discharge is very watery, slimy and stretchy. When you realize that you are in such a situation, the best course of action is to consult your doctor. Period is late for 9 days, no pregnancy symptoms, a lot of vaginal cramping, took a test last month was negative but then I got it, maybe late? Hi, im 17 years old. You are pregnant. but i feel cramping like a regular period but when i go to the bathroom nothing. When a woman doesn't ovulate, her ovaries keep getting stimulated . My cycles usually last from 35-37 days and I am on day 42 without a period and a negative test. It's still doing that and the only time I bleed is when I go to the bathroom. I know I could take the pregnancy test already but I'm just not ready for the emotions that will. I am 38 days late for my period but got a negative pregnancy test what else could be wrong is it cervical cancer. Last medically reviewed on June 24, 2019 Parenthood You will get periods soon. I also track it every single month, it comes every 29 days & if it is late it shows up on day 30/31 of my cycle. A false negative pregnancy test is when you are pregnant but the test comes up negative. I am 5 days late for my period, took a pregnancy test today and came up negative. No pregnancy symptoms, just mild cramping, it feels like my period is about to start and then it goes away. I have a 5 year old and 7 month old baby and both times I tested positive on the day of the missed period.

The pregnancy may be at a very early stage, so you are getting late period false negative pregnancy test.

Hello, I have always had a regular 30 day cycle. Never later, never earlier, I've never missed a period. I have been cramping like its coming but never . How accurate is a pregnancy test 8 days late?

Most home pregnancy tests work . X; Hi everyone. Home pregnancy tests are very accurate about 99 percent but a false negative is still possible.

I must say that I am in that same boat. I am 23 years old and 20 days late. Around the time I found out I was pregnant I was adamant I was coming on my period, because I was late and the pains felt like that "Im going to come on feeling"

Otherwise, it's much more likely that you didn't ovulate this month, since ovulation brings on a period 14 days later (unless pregnancy occurs). 3 pregnancy test positive but 1 week later bleeding and cram late on my period, negative pregnancy test Period 1 week late missed my period 5 days late negative results for pregnancy test but have cramps and boobs are sore Period 1 . It was very negative but I still haven't gotten my period. A correctly-performed urine pre. Low Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) 2. I've had cramps the entire.

3. My last period was July 16-20 making my ovulation from 25-31. Im taking Adderall however (15-20mgXR) and know that that can possibly give false negatives. You may have the normal period cramps without any period being observable. This month no spoting at all and constant very light cramps, normally I get medium to painful cramps 1 day before (I've been tracking my periods for over 2 years). Period 12 days late. Late Period Negative Pregnancy Test-When to Worry, My doctor told me that sometimes, A problem with the thyroid gland, I have taken 3 pregnancy tests - 1 the day my period was due, 2015 8 . we are afraid that she has .hi, My GF completed her last period on 19th Nov. We had protected sex on 1 Dec . 5 minutes ago. However, a missed period is when the cycle completely changes. Im going through the same thing. Last week I had cramps/stretching/ sore boobs but for the last couple of days nothing . Check a test: Many things can cause this but .if your period is late and is not normal.the first thing to do is check a pregnancy test and repeat it in 3-5 days if .

If you have cramps without any period and test negative, you can tell if it's due to ovulation by checking your vaginal discharge. You are pregnant - but the pregnancy test was faulty or you didn't follow the instructions. Could I still be pregnant? It was very negative but I still haven't gotten my period.

I went to the Dr and he tested my urine and he said i have an infection and give me antibiotic. Low Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) 2. Am I Pregnant? Women who have period 4 days late or longer, or miss their periods more than three times in a row and get negative results in their pregnancy tests must consult a doctor for a thorough evaluation.

A problem with the thyroid gland, for example, may interfere with menstrual cycles. Period 12 days late. When your period is up to 2 weeks late and you are experiencing symptoms such as severe cramps, try to take a pregnancy test at home to eliminate the possible cause - pregnancy. could i still be pregnant? Could I be pregnant. The lines are still extremely faint. If you're wondering how many days past ovulation is enough to know you're pregnant, the short answer is 7-10. Discharge, lower back pain, mild cramping, late period- negative pregnancy test late period,negative test result. If you take a pregnancy test after your period is late and get a negative result, you're unlikely to be pregnant. I was supposed to get it about a week ago but it never came. A pregnancy test, with an at-home kit or at your doctor's office, is the best way to find out if you're expecting a baby.

If your period is very late, or you've skipped your period, and you get a negative result, you are unlikely to be pregnant.

I actually 4 days late now, my husband and i are ttc for the past year, so i ma hoping to hear some good news.

If you took a pregnancy test before your missed period or within the first couple days after, it is possible there wouldn't be enough HCG in your urine yet to detect the pregnancy.

My period is 4 days late and I took a pregnancy test. continue little pain in stomach and frequent urine and feeling cramps as well.

Faulty Test Kit 5. I am 6 days late on my period.

In 15 years, I have never missed a period or been more than 2 days late

I have no PMS or pregnancy symptoms except major fatigue.


Well now my period is 4 days late. Just hoping someone can offer some advice or support. I've taken pregnancy test after test and its still negative could I be pregnant or is that something else. If you're trying to get pregnant, 17 DPO is a significant milestone. If the result remains negative, talk with your doctor about the possible cause. If you are testing before the date of your expected period, you may be pregnant but your hCG levels are too low for the test to detect. 4. Light cramps are signs of PMS and may mean that your menstruation will start soon.

If you are bleeding today, then it sounds like you had a delayed period. Negative test @ 10 days late. Menopause 6. Cramps but no period negative pregnancy test may still be due to pregnancy. Apply lukewarm sesame oil on lower abdomen and take hot water bag thrice a dat. I have a lot of white discharge. My husband and I have been TTC for three months now. Rub92fuj. I have taken 2 home pregnancy tests and both have resulted in negative results. Hi I was 3 days late for my period (25-29) took a pregnancy test yesterday morning (tesco brand) and got a faint line.

Also, doing the test too early will give you a negative result even when you are pregnant. Not sure if I could still be pregnant, so frustrating, I'm afraid to take another test and be disappointed. (back in march, this also happened i was probably like 4 days late but ended up getting my period) i usually get my period a day or two later then it expected. 1.

Since most pregnancy tests claim to detect early signs of pregnancy with even the slightest hCG amounts, it may seem impossible to test negative after missing your period. Dont know if it has anything to do, but my urine is super cloudy too. 2.

Today I am having mild cramping, but no sign of period coming. I was very confused and decided to go to an OB-GYN doctor and find out what was going on. cramping, back aches etc). 4 days late, no period and 3 negative tests! Hello everyone, I have been testing like a mad woman lately and have spent a small fortune.

Negative test @ 10 days late. 1 doctor answer 3 doctors weighed in A female asked: Hi Guys, My period is also 8 days late, having some cramps but negative pregnancy test.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) 3.

Both tests were negative. x. Pregnancy tests are very accurate. Cramping pain in the abdomen occurs due to increased blood flow to the uterus. I took two pregnancy tests, one on day seven and the other on day 21 of my period being late. Not even a faint line? So even six days after my period was due, I got a negative test and my little girl is now 9 months old.

I had unprotected sex 3-4 days before my expected period, I am now 8 days late but I had negative pregnancy tests.

A negative pregnancy test result means the test hasn't detected hCG in your urine. I have also experienced slight lower back aches off and on .

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