output comparators are used in mcq

Why clamp diodes are used in comparator?

You will be surely qualify for all kinds of Quiz / tests / Interviews . A multivibrator is an electronic device that gives non-sinusoidal output consists of 2 states.There are generally three types of multivibrators are Monostable, Bistable, and Astable.Monostable has one stable state and one unstable state.Bistable multivibrator has two stable states. 2.

A char, 4. It's either all the way ON (near Vcc) or OFF (near 0 volts).

In this section of Electronic Devices and Circuits.It contain Operational Amplifiers (OP AMPS) MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions Answers).All the MCQs (Multiple Choice Question Answers) requires in depth reading of Electronic Devices and Circuits Subject as the hardness level of MCQs have been kept to advance level.These Sets of Questions are very helpful in Preparing for various Competitive .

All the MCQs on Multivibrator Multiple Choice Questions and Answers are . These questions are taken from a real written exam and some parts are taken from an interview.

A = B, A >B, A < B). A multiplexer is a device which converts many signals into one C. It takes one input and results into many output D.

c. format printed output.

In this mapping technique, blocks of cache are grouped to form a set and a .

A. D. B. A digital comparator's purpose is to compare numbers and represent their relationship with each other. Digital Electronics MCQs.

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-Unlike repeaters, comparators do not have an . Internal Circuitry For 1/4 Of An LM339 The propagationdelay of comparators is typicallyspecified for a 100mV step, with somefraction of that for overdrive.

Along with dedicated comparators, it's possible to configure operational amplifiers (op-amps) to operate as comparators.

17) Basically, response time is defined as the time acquired by the comparator to accomplish _____of its transition corresponding to the voltage step at the input. MCQ Practice competitive and technical Multiple Choice Questions and Answers .

The size of objects in C++ is expressed in terms of multiples of ____ size and the size of a "char" is _______.

What is the order of overall magnification in Eden-Rolt Millionth Comparator?

Explanation: A comparator is a combinational circuit that takes two numbers as input in binary form and results whether one input is greater, lesser or equal to the other input. It is a type of decoder which decodes several inputs and gives one output B. AC16 Software Engineering 4 Q.22 Output comparators are used in (A) static testing of single module (B) dynamic testing of single module (C) static testing of single and multiple module (D) dynamic testing of single and multiple module Ans: D Q.23 The feature of the object oriented paradigm which helps code reuse is (A) object.

Submitted by Monika Jha, on November 19, 2019 . OP AMP MCQs (Questions and Answers) Q1. Also, learn their priorities. ANSWER: Both a and b. So you will find questions on basic techniques such as Variables, Operators, Conditional Statement, Functions, and more. The output voltage of the amlifier will be asked Jun 11, 2019 in Physics by BrijeshSarangi ( 71.1k points)

A redstone comparator is a block used in redstone circuits to maintain, compare, or subtract signal strength, or to measure certain block states (primarily the fullness of containers). The op-amp is characterized by an open-loop gain A and let's assume that the output voltage Vo can go all the way to VDD and VEE. In the following common emitter configuration an `NPN` transistor with current gain `beta=100` is used. 2) hysteresis.

A redstone comparator will also be removed and drop itself as an item: if its .


In a converter, the output indicates which voltage is higher. 20 V. B.


The Op-amp comparator compares one analogue voltage level with another analogue voltage level, or some preset reference voltage, V REF and produces an output signal based on this voltage comparison. This set of Linear Integrated Circuit Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on "Comparator".

Comparator - Designing 1-bit, 2-bit and 4-bit comparators using logic gates.

Depending on the value of input and reference voltage a comparator can be named as . View Answer.

C. have high reverse current. The logic output voltages of the exclusive-OR gate are 0 V and 5 V. The cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter is 0.1 Hz. This voltage is 5V if LM311 is to be used for logical operations.

1. CMOS Comparators 6 Comparator gain: Due to the finite bandwidth of the circuit, the output voltage reaches A v V in with a delay with respect to the time when the input is applied (response time t r).
In the sum of products function f (X,Y,Z) =Σ (2,3,4,5), the prime implicants are. 29.

Figure 4 shows a comparator circuit.

single thread of execution. a. modify records. The output Y of a 2-bit comparator is logic 1 whenever the 2-bit input A is greater than the 2-bit input B.

a. All of the above.

1 points.

A = B, A >B, A < B). Which gate is best used as a basic comparator?

a. 17). By choosing the values of resistors R 1 and R 2, the reference voltage V ref can be adjusted and comparator can be used to compare input voltage with the corresponding reference voltage.. V out = +V sat; if V in < V ref = -V sat; if V in > V ref. I can assure you that this will be a great help in reviewing the book in preparation for your Board Exam.

A. accepts data inputs from one line and passes this data to multiple output lines. If the input to a comparator is a sine wave, the output is a: 9.

They are of no use in CNN.

If an op-amp comparator has a gain of 100,000, an input difference of 0.2 mV above reference, and a supply of ±12 V, the output will be.

The ratio between differential gain and common-mode gain is called: 8. A = B, A >B, A < B.. Other than this, the output will be 0.

D float, 8. Explanation: No explanation is available for this question!

Each question carries 1 point. Input and Output Layers Recurrent and Convolution Layers Activation and Threshold Layers Hidden and .

RUNG 0004. Which of the following is the not the ideal input to a controller ? In this article, we are going to learn about the working of Set-associative mapped Cache with a diagram.After we will see the steps of implementation and a problem based on Set-associative Cache.

Comparators Objective Questions, Comparators MCQ, Comparators Quiz, Comparators Tests. Response Time b. Propagation Delay c. Both a and b d. None of the above. MCQs on Comparator. What is meant by roughness?

Answer: A. Clarification: A comparator is a combinational circuit that takes two numbers as input in binary form and results whether one input is greater, lesser or equal to the other input.

Comparators and Positive Feedback Comparators: Open Loop Configuration The basic comparator circuit is an op-amp arranged in the open-loop configuration as shown on the circuit of Figure 1. Response Time b. Propagation Delay c. Both a and b d. None of the above. These Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) should be practiced to improve the Linear Integrated Circuits skills required for various interviews (campus interview, walk-in interview, company interview), placement, entrance exam and other competitive examinations. D. accepts data inputs from several lines and multiplexes this input data to four BCD lines. This is entirely expected from the name.

a. Java Comparator interface.

ANSWER: 16. In most cases a comparator is implemented using a dedicated comparator IC, but op-amps may be used as an alternative.

This is entirely expected from the name.

A. 27.

MCQ Exam ON : Biosensors And Biochips . No negative points for wrong answers. It has one main input, two side inputs and one output.

D. not invert the signal. In this test circuit we use a 12-volt bipolar power supply.

MCQs on input and output devices (GK Objective Question Answer) exam question answer for competitive exam of govt jobs. A comparator is often an operational amplifier without feedback between the inputs and output.

MCQs on Comparator. The voltage follower has a: 7.

Source: Online General Knolwedge. Answer: d Explanation: A "digital-to-analog converter" or DAC refers to an electronic device that converts the digital signals (discrete-time signal) to an analog signal (Continuous-time signal). Next ».

Use the specification and obtain the output voltage swing for op-amp comparator.

System under control output always in ON condition when water level is not at 100. If you are looking for a reviewer in Electronics Engineering this will definitely help. Comparators are often used, for example, to check whether an input has reached some predetermined value.

ANSWER: Both a and b.

Prerequisites: Memory mapping and its types Set-associative Cache Mapping.

(B) class.

, Options is : 1. The comparators are used to compare the two analog signals to produce the one-bit digital signal. LM311 is a dedicatedly designed high speed differential comparator responsible for comparing voltages.The operating supply voltage can range from -15 to +15V for OP-AMPs. So dear reader I have provided top expected gk questions from input and output device of computer. a) comparator b) successive approximation ADC c) sigma delta ADC d) all of the mentioned. Analog-to-digital Converter (ADC): Comparators are used to create analog-to-digital converters.


17) Basically, response time is defined as the time acquired by the comparator to accomplish _____of its transition corresponding to the voltage step at the input. 4) According to the truth-table given below, the output case for one-bit comparator is __________. Attend job interviews easily with these Multiple Choice Questions.

Comparators are designed to be fast and frequently have other capabilities to optimize the comparison function.

2 is a comparator built from a common LM741 op amp.

d) Voltage level detector.

In a digital comparator, only 3 outputs are possible (i.e.

That is why comparators are used in almost every analog-to-digital converter. C char, 1.

An open collector output is simple and flexible but relatively slow compared to other logic outputs.

3) . In this section of Electronic Devices and Circuits.It contain Operational Amplifiers (OP AMPS) MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions Answers).All the MCQs (Multiple Choice Question Answers) requires in depth reading of Electronic Devices and Circuits Subject as the hardness level of MCQs have been kept to advance level.These Sets of Questions are very helpful in Preparing for various Competitive . LM311 can be used for operating relays and lamps. In other words, we can say that an electronic device converts the signal of 0 and 1 (Binary) into the analog form.

A circuit whose output is proportional to the difference between the input signals is considered to be which type of amplifier? OPAMPS can often be used as voltage comparators if a diode or transistor is added to the amplfiers output.

4-bit Magnitude Comparator. a.

b. delete records.

A form can be used to - Learn with CSEMCQ.COM. This is the Multiple Choice Questions in Chapter 22: Nonlinear Op-Amp Circuits from the book Electronic Principles 7th Edition by Albert Malvino.


20% b . What type of comparator is used in function generator to give square wave output? 16) Which parameter/s is/are used to indicate the speed of a comparator? Higher resolution along with the slow speed is given by which ADC module? In Exclusive - OR gate, the output is 1 only when the sum of the inputs is------. Computer Fundamental MCQ.
This is a Most important question of gk exam. This set of Microcontroller Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on "Mixed-Signal Systems: Analog Input and Output". Comparator diagrams and op-amp diagrams use the same symbols.

In most cases a comparator is implemented using a dedicated comparator IC, but op-amps may be used as an alternative.

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