Class I Base Courses that are stabilized with cement must always be produced in a central mix plant. 67 coarse aggregates are examples of such materials. AASHTO T 180 Standard Specification for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils Using a 4.54 kg (10 lb) Rammer and a 457 mm (18 in) Drop. Ensure that the gradation for each material meets the following requirements. Surface/Wearing Course in pavement cross section: The top layers of pavement which is in direct contact with the wheel of the vehicle. Should the subbase course become unstable at any time prior to the placement of the overlying course due to the gradation of the Construct base course to achieve a uniform soil structure. Cylindrical specimens are tested in accordance with ASTM C-39 (which is standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens). The liquid limit and plasticity index values shall not be greater than 30 and 6, respectively. NOTE: This guide specification is applicable to base courses placed directly beneath bituminous surface courses. R50-09 Geosynthetic Reinforcement of the Aggregate Base Course of Flexible Pavement Structures T 289 Determining pH of Soil for Use in Corrosion Testing. A. If the required compacted depth of base course exceeds six (6) inches, the base shall be constructed in two (2) or more layers of approximate equal thickness. Ninety-five percent of the pulverized materials will pass a
D 4354 Sampling of Geotextiles for Testing. 57 Grading Requirements for Base Course Aggregates ASTM Sieve Size Percent Passing (by weight) 1 in. ASTM D 4318 Test Method for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit and Plasticity aggregate base course from a single source throughout the work. Limestone shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M240 or ASTM C595. Testing and inspection of placed Base Course will be provided by the Owner. 301.07 Checking and Correcting Base The top of each aggregate course shall be checked transversely to the cross 80 section and all deviations in excess of 1/2 in. Uncontrolled water vapor through concrete slabs has cost building owners, designers and contractors billions of dollars. Testing and inspection of placed Base Course will be provided by the Owner. CLASS I BASE COURSE - Section 301 Class I Base Courses will be placed on a subgrade layer built in accordance with Specification Section 305. This specification covers crushed aggregate suitable for use in the construction of dry- or water-bound macadam base courses and bituminous penetration macadam base and surface courses of pavements. ASTM D693. MATERIALS . Where not indicated, compacted thickness shall be 6 inches. AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures. Base Course: Sandy gravel material from local sources commonly used for road base construction (recycled materials such as crushed concrete or crushed asphalt are NOT acceptable). Density of in-place compacted aggregate base course will be measured in accordance with ASTM D2922. 200 sieve may be tolerated. 9-01.2(2) Rapid Hardening Hydraulic Cement Rapid hardening hydraulic cement shall meet the requirements of ASTM C 1600. Base Course. 2.
Standard base course (unstabilized) is item P-209. All construction methods, testing, and acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with [5] >=75 percent by count of non-asphalt coated 2. Aggregate base course shall be applied over the prepared sub grade or sub base and compacted in accordance with Section 26 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. Aggregate base course shall have minimum uniform thickness after compaction of dimensions indicated. Where not indicated, compacted thickness shall be 6 inches. ASTM C 136 Standard Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BASE COURSE 02700-2 City of Friendswood Revised: 7/10/2008 4. Notably, in 2006, the Digital Library launched, making available tens of thousands of technical papers amassed by ASTM International over the course of many decades.< /p> A major new platform, Compass, launched in 2013 to host ASTM Internationals standards, training, and other products, services, and tools for customers and members. Assuming that the road has a quality base course with adequate CBR, the soaked CBR of the wearing course should be above a 4. 28-day compressive strength can be specified when aircraft weight is Provide a subbase material which meets the specification material requirements and is within the Contractors capabilities to place and fine grade to the required tolerances. 10 sieve, uniform in quality throughout and free from dirt, organic, or other injurious material occurring either free or as coating on aggregate. 32-14-13-Unilock Non-Permeable-Concrete Base. II. Course HMA, 9.5 Top Course HMA, 12.5 Top Course HMA, 19.0 Binder Course HMA, 25.0 Binder Course HMA, or 37.5 Base Course HMA.
C. 2.2 Base Course and Sub-Base Materials 2.2.1 Base course and sub-base materials shall conform to the following requirements: Base course and sub-base materials will be of a type approved by the Contract Administrator. [4] For base placed between old and new pavements, use crushed stone, crushed gravel, or crushed concrete with a plasticity index of 3 or less. SECTION 304 AGGREGATE BASE COURSE DESCRIPTION . C136, Standard Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates. Unlike standard shingles which prematurely become brittle, crack, and lose granules, Malarkey shingles are made of Rubberized Asphalt for superior all-weather resilience, Upcycled Rubber & Plastics to reduce landfill waste, and Smog-Reducing Granules that help clean the air.. ABC Class 6 is the prevalent base type that is used through out the state. This penetration into the subbase [base] restricts material containing very few fines. Standard Specification for Crushed Aggregate for Macadam Pavements.
See 30 CFR 250.198(h)(69). d. Laboratory test results compaction and strength testing procedures. A comprehensive roofing specification writing tool allowing users to quickly write accurate steep- and low-slope roofing specifications for job submittal packages. 32-14-13-Unilock Non-Permeable. residue content shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D 3042. E. Deficiencies Base course and sub-base materials shall be sound, durable particles produced by Ceilings Product Comparison Tool Many unpaved road specifications based on paved road base course specifications limit or exclude any clay in the mistaken belief that this will reduce dust. B. ASTM D 698 - Standard Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12.44 ft-lbf/ft3). laboratory compaction characteristics (maximum dry density and optimum moisture content). compressive strength at 7 days. The aggregates shall meet the requirements of subsection 703.03. Base course of crushed stone, recycled crushed concrete base, cement-stabilized crushed stone, cement -stabilized bank- run gravel, recycled crushed stone and hot mix ASTM C 33, Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates e. ASTM D 1557,Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction AGGREGATE BASE COURSE AND SURFACE COURSE Section 02100 A. 304.01 This work consists of furnishing and placing one or more courses of aggregate and additives, if required, on a prepared subgrade.
ITEM P-306 ECONOCRETE BASE COURSE . [ ] Most highway agencies base the mix design of soil-cement for base courses on the durability tests: ASTM Specification D 559-57, AASHO T 135; and ASTM Specification D 560-57, AASHO T 136. A test result is the average of at least two standard-cured strength specimens made from the same concrete batch and tested at As per IRC 37 for base course resilient modulus can be taken as 300 MPa and 350 MPa and according to test it is observed 339 MPa with 6% lime content and 7.50% OMC. (ASTM D1557) on all materials supplied to the project to be used for subgrade, sub-base and base course construction. Base Course Aggregate Sampling ASTM D75 Each day or 1 test/500 sq. 6. 1.1 This specification covers the quality and grading of the following materials for use in the construction of subbase, base, and surface courses: sand-clay mixtures; gravel; stone or slag screenings; sand; crusher-run coarse aggregate consisting of gravel, crushed stone, or slag combined with soil mortar; or any combination of these materials. Macadam Base Course Gradation Sieve Designation Percentage by Weight Passing 2-inch 100 1-inch 95 100 yd., or as required. 6. This sampling and testing will be the basis for approval of the aggregate base quality requirements. 2. specification covers the use of unbound recycled asphalt pavement material for construction of base and subbase for pavement applications. Bases may be constructed of
Aggregate base course shall have minimum uniform thickness after compaction of dimensions indicated. analyses for standard sizes of coarse aggregate and screenings for use in the construction and maintenance of various types of highways. The requirements stated herein may be revised or amended from time to time by Supplemental Specifications, by Standard Special Provisions which are unique to a select SPECIFICATION P208. ASTM D1556 Standard Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the Sand-Cone Method.
AASHTO T 180 Standard Specification for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils Using a 4.54 kg (10 lb) Rammer and a 457 mm (18 in) Drop. DESCRIPTION . A. D 4355 Resistance to Loss of Load Capacity under UV light and Weathering. Specifications for Lime-Treated Base Courses 1. The CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for the cement treated base either batched at and/or delivered to the site. BUREAU OF AERONAUTICS - STANDARD SPECIFICATION P-304 Cement-Treated Base Course DESCRIPTION 1.1 This item shall consist of a base course composed of mineral aggregate and cement blended and mixed with water. Base material shall be installed on undisturbed native soils or suitable replacement fills compacted to a minimum of 95% Standard Proctor (ASTM D698). ASTM D2940 - Standard Specification for Graded Aggregate Material For Bases or Subbases for Atterberg Limits ASTM D2419, As required D423, and D424. Crushed aggregate base coarse (Compaction Gravel) shall be purchased per standard ton with a standard ton to weight 2,000 pounds for the purpose of this contract. Base Requirement & Bedding Course standard paver base specification. STANDARD SPECIFICATION HOT MIX ASPHALT BASE COURSE 02711-3 02-01-08 1. September 30, 2011 AGGREGATE BASE COURSES SECTION 02310 AGGREGATE BASE COURSES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A.