pathfinder plague zombie

Creatures who die while infected with zombie rot will rise . Zombies are nothing new in Pathfinder or D&D in general, but if you want to run a fight against a lot of them at once (as I'm sure you do), it can get pretty darn tedious to manage twenty-or-so individual low-level monsters. $1.00. Zombie, Unhallowed. Dungeons and Dragons Creature 28mm brute d&d dnd dungeons & dragons ogre pathfinder undead zombie zombie ogre. Zombie - D&D Wiki You still only count them as 3HD apiece when applied to your total controlled HD. Zombie, Plague - d20PFSRD PDF ZombiesZZoommbbiieess - The Eye Rarity: Common . Pathfinder Zombie is a threat representative, low-cost Short Range Ballistic Missile target suitable for use in U.S. and foreign missile defense testing. Human Zombie - Monsters - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder Armor Class: The Pathfinder section on Zombies just says to give them a natural armor bonus based on size (+3 for a large creature in this case) but the ogre already has a AC of 17 and an AC of 20 seems excessive for a zombie. Disease (Su) The slam attackas well as any other natural attacksof a plague zombie carries the zombie rot disease. But crits kill instantly and piercing weapons deal additional damage. A zombie retains all the natural weapons, manufactured weapon attacks, and weapon proficiencies of the base creature.A zombie also gains a slam attack. Unkillable This zombie is nigh unkillable. All creatures adjacent to the plague zombie are exposed to its plague as if struck by a slam attack and must make a Fortitude save or contract zombie rot. Diagnose Disease (Su) At will, a plague doctor can use diagnose disease, as the spell.A plague doctor can, as a move action, concentrate on a single creature, object, or area within 60 feet and determine if it carries any sort of disease or infestation (including molds, slimes, and similar hazards), or any exceptional or supernatural effects causing the sickened or nauseated effects. The HD of hte bugbears is still 3. Shambler Troop - Monsters - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder They carry a disease known as "zombie rot", and can inflict it through either their attacks or by exploding when they die. DEFENSE. Zombie (CR +Varies) - d20PFSRD Zombie Brute: NE Large Mindless Undead Zombie: 2: Zombie Hulk: NE Huge Mindless Undead Zombie: 6: Zombie Shambler: NE Medium Mindless Undead Zombie-1: Zomok: N Gargantuan Dragon Plant: 16: Zuipnyrn: Rare N Small Aberration: 3: Zyss Serpentfolk: Uncommon NE Medium Humanoid Serpentfolk: 2: Acolyte of Nethys: N Medium Human Humanoid: 1: Acrobat: N . . Plague Zombie . Some zombies possess the ability to spread their undeath like a disease. (2) Pathfinder has an actual "Plague Zombie" that can be created with the Animate Dead spell, as long as the Contagion spell is cast as part of the animation process. Natural armor bonus increases by a number based on the zombie's size: . I was intrigued by a passing mention of good werewolves inspired by the dead god . The classic Pathfinder/D&D zombie probably doesn't rise to that level of thematic import, but zombies still offer clues to a story: A grave has been defiled. If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. 1) CL 5th or 7th ".mostly intact corpse. Log In or Create a Free Account to start keeping track of your miniatures collection.. MinisCollector helps you keep track of the figures you have and the figures you want, so you have more time for gaming! Armor Class. Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC. The Zombie Plague is one of the many foul contagions spread by the followers of Nurgle. 1 Acquired/Inherited Template Acquired Simple Template No Usable with Summons No Zombies are the animated corpses of dead creatures, forced into foul unlife via necromantic magic like animate dead.While the most commonly encountered zombies are slow and tough, others possess a variety of traits, allowing them to spread disease or move with . Orc Warrior (Necksplitter) Common. Today's Monster Monday is the zombie horde, a crushing mob of dozens of shambling undead, their insatiable hunger driving them inexorably onward. Plagued beasts carry the sickness, and contact with a living sufferer can result in infection. Notable among them are Nerull, god of death, darkness, murder and the underworld; and Evening Glory, the goddess of (and I love this portfolio) love, beauty, and immortality through undeath. Bones USA Plastic Figures Bones Black Plastic Figures Chronoscope Pathfinder Savage Worlds CAV: Strike Ops . Details about PLAGUE ZOMBIE 13 Pathfinder Battles: Bestiary Unleashed. Small. Free shipping for many products! Effect The plague zombie makes a jaws unarmed melee Strike against the grabbed or restrained creature with an attack modifier of +9 that deals 1d12+4 piercing damage. Dying Light is an incredibly immersive first-person zombie game, putting players in the role of a government observer taking a look at a city in the midst of a zombie epidemic. Zombies have poor reflexes and can only perform a single move action or standard action each round . The Zombie targets utilize excess Army. Brand: Pathfinder Battles . The corpse must be that of a creature with a physical anatomy." Skeleton (PRPG Core Rulebook pg. The Paizo Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules. Plenty. Quantity: 4 or more for $4.84/ea. Survivor, Zombie Apocalypse (Pathfinder Class) 2.5e Homebrew. Zombies are corpses reanimated through dark and sinister magic. help undead, seek to find undeath for yourself, indulge in every vice, help others do so, and foster disease where you can. Because of their utter lack of intelligence, the instructions given to a newly created zombie must be very simple. Set: Bestiary Unleashed . The disease is a spiritual contagion as . Unholy Speed The zombie gains a +10 status bonus to all its Speeds. Zombicide: Black Plague Zombies - Npc Box 1 (Notorious Plagued Characters) April 30, 2017. The zombies in Pathfinder a few variants that explore the zombie trope with fast zombies and plague zombies, while giving size options like a zombie hulk. Cazalet, Plague Priest. Yet this is not the only type of zombie to plague crypts or stalk graveyards. Plague-Ridden (disease, necromancy) The zombie carries a plague that can create more of its own kind. ; Effect The zombie makes a jaws unarmed melee Strike against the grabbed or restrained creature with an attack modifier of +9 that deals 1d12+4 piercing damage. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong here, please help. Special Attacks: A plague zombie gains the following special attacks. Black Plague on Kickstarter! This mea. Effect The plague zombie makes a jaws unarmed melee Strike against the grabbed or restrained creature with an attack modifier of +9 that deals 1d12+4 piercing damage. My zombies are a "necromancy dark darker and more foul than a reanimated corpse who spread their curse like a plague." For special rules I made them highly resilient and made the plague far easier to catch (and some zombie types can spread easier than others). This set includes 20 miniatures: 5 different and 4 of each :-) from left to right we have the Dutch Woman . If the creature is alive, the zombie deals damage equal to its jaws, flst, or claw damage. she doesn't require you to be a zealot or an idiot, more just open to what she offers. Plague Zombie: monster: Paizo: Pathfinder 2 Bestiary: . Intelligent Zombie (2.5e Creature) He then had to make a constitution roll, which he failed, and he took acid damage (which discarded nothing - . Undead Fortitude. Fast zombies can take the fear factor to another level. Undead Nature. When an apocalypse zombie dies, it explodes in a burst of decay. See . The Plague Zombie card says: If undefeated, banish the Plague Zombie, and each character at this location must succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 6 check or be dealt 1d4 Acid damage. Dying Light. 99908 in stock sku: 02804. 99855 in stock sku: 02102. All miniatures are official Dungeons & Dragons and/or Pathfinder miniatures. Brackett wants to make Syntira into an ally, and if the PCs can travel to the area and find a cure for the plague, the Pathfinder Society will earn her trust. Open Game Content ( place problems on the discussion page). This mea. Disease (Su) The slam attack as well as any other natural attacks of a plague zombie carries the zombie rot disease. Switch to cm. Re: Zombie Or Undead Deities. A zombie has a base attack bonus equal to its Hit Dice. 10. to rise as a plague zombie. Pathfinder Society Scenario 43: The Pallid Plague is a Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st to 7th level characters (Tiers: 1-2, 3-4, and 6-7). 241) CL 5th or 7th ".mostly intact corpse or skeleton. If undefeated, banish the Plague Zombie, and each character at this location must succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 6 check or be dealt 1d4 Acid damage. Paizo: Pathfinder 2 Bestiary: Zombie Shambler: monster: Paizo: Pathfinder 2 Bestiary: Subscribe to the Open Gaming Newsletter! $5.99. If the creature is alive, the zombie deals damage equal to its jaws, flst, or claw damage. . The corpse must have bones." Sunbaked Zombie (Pathfinder #80: Empty Graves pg. Increase the zombie's level by 1 if you give it this ability. The village is under quarantine by order of the . Creating a Zombie "Zombie" is an acquired template that can be added to any corporeal Creature (other than an undead), referred to hereafter as the base Creature . A creature damaged by the jaws is exposed to zombie rot. I found two templates I liked, the Feral Dragon and the Plague Beast (both on pfsrd). Such zombies are always of the standard type, unless the creator also casts haste or remove paralysis to create fast zombies, or contagion to create plague zombies. In short order, the player becomes exposed to the truth behind the zombie outbreak and must fight to survive. Number: 13 . PLAGUE ZOMBIE 13 Pathfinder Battles: Bestiary Unleashed. Gillamoor is a village in Isger on the edge of the Chitterwood.It managed to survive the destruction of the Goblinblood Wars but has now fallen to what is being called the Gillamoor Plague.. Gallery of Pre-Painted Plastic Miniatures Images and Pictures for Roleplaying Games like Dungeons and Dragons, D&D and Pathfinder. Plague Bomb (Su) Prerequisite: Alchemist 8, smoke bomb discovery. When a plague zombie dies, it explodes in a burst of decay. 1 bid. Death Burst (Ex) When a plague zombie dies, it explodes in a burst of decay. The first is a smug sense of satisfaction from trouncing an entire cult without breaking a sweat. The corpse must be that of a creature with a physical anatomy." Skeleton (PRPG Core Rulebook pg. Speed 25 feet Melee fist +9 [], Damage 1d8+4 bludgeoning plus Grab and zombie rot Jaws Requirement The plague zombie has a creature grabbed or restrained. Plague Doctor. 97579 in stock sku: 07017. I was intrigued by a passing mention of good werewolves inspired by the dead god . Attacks. Jaws [one-action] (attack); Requirements The zombie has a creature grabbed or restrained. Plague Zombie (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. Ending Saturday at 11:14AM PST 1d 12h. This site is an SRD (System Reference Document) for the Paizo Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. $6.99. 99247 . Buy 3. This is not the vanilla mystically raised from the dead automaton the Pathfinder Role-Playing Game defaults to, nor is it the plague variation that falls short of the genre. Zombie Rot (disease, necromancy); An infected creature can't heal damage it takes . Plague-Ridden (disease, necromancy) The zombie carries a plague that can create more of its own kind. 90 XP 600 Relentless brain-eating plague human zombie NE Medium undead Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Perception +0 Defense AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 natural) hp 22 (4d8+4) Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +4 Immune undead traits Offense An evil spellcaster is on the loose. This one is my painted version of the Npc-1 box included in the Kickstarter which you can buy separately pretty soon. At desecrated vault Lem failed to defeat a plague zombie the normal way (I failed in combat, rather than the special desecrated vault power). Originally Posted by Eno Remnant. The corpse must have bones." Sunbaked Zombie (Pathfinder #80: Empty Graves pg. Creating a Plague Zombie. The typical zombie is a slow-moving abomination that is tough to destroy. Werewolves: This entry has a good, clear summary of what it means to be a werewolf in Pathfinder (different forms, means of transmission, etc.). Dimensions: 5.81 x 5.08 x 10.56 cm. All creatures adjacent to the plague zombie are exposed to its plague as if struck by a slam attack and must make a Fortitude save or contract zombie rot. 241) CL 5th or 7th ".mostly intact corpse or skeleton. This scenario is designed for play in Pathfinder Society Organized Play, but can easily be adapted for use with any world. Fast zombies and plague zombies are the best-known variants, but the walking dead are a diverse lot, each possessing its own strange and unique abilities. 4 out of 5 stars (5) 5 product ratings . Normal magical means of curing diseases are still effective against parasites. 1) CL 5th or 7th ".mostly intact corpse. All creatures adjacent to the apocalypse zombie are exposed to its plague as if struck by a slam attack and must make a Fortitude save or contract zombie rot. 2.29 x 2 x 4.16 inches. All miniatures are prepainted plastic and work together using the same scale. by an akata) becomes a void zombie. Plague Zombie - Bestiary Unleashed - Pathfinder/Dungeons & Dragons - #13 CONDITION: GOOD These fantasy miniatures are all in great playable condition. The ultimate zombie boardgame, reinvented in a medieval fantasy setting! Anyone who dies while infected rises as a plague zombie . Zombie rot: slam; save Fort DC = 10 + 1/2 the zombie's Hit Dice + the zombie's Cha modifier; onset 1d4 days; frequency 1/day; effect 1d2 Con, this damage cannot be healed while the creature is infected; cure 2 consecutive saves. Zombie, Spellgorged. , causing mass hysteria and an outbreak of plague zombies. . Zombie, Plague. The brave Pathfinders are sent to the far off . Buy 2. All creatures adjacent to the plague zombie are exposed to its plague as if struck by a slam attack and must make a Fortitude save or contract zombie rot. Zombie Plague (4e Disease) 3.5e Creatures. I also realized that "demonplague" has nothing easily found, so I changed some things around and made the dragon more zombie-ish by switching the disease to Zombie Rot. . Spd 30 ft. Melee slam +4 (1d6+4). Creating a Zombie "Zombie" is an acquired template that can be added to any corporeal creature (other than an undead), referred to hereafter as the base creature. Onset 1 day; Frequency 1/day. Item Information. More than 10 available. Any Date Released: . Lem discarded all cards due to combat damage. The sample is a "Gillamoor Plague Zombie", which (unlike all the other samples in the book) is not a named NPC. Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 8. Effect 1d4 Con damage and 1 Cha damage and target is fatigued; Cure 2 consecutive saves. Undead creatures, and other non-living creatures, are immune to parasites. In many cases these variant abilities may be applied to either skeletons or zombies . Zombie CR 1/2. Such zombies are always of the standard type, unless the creator also casts haste or remove paralysis to create fast zombies, or contagion to create plague zombies. and her areas of concern aren't very narrow. This functions as the plague zombie's zombie rot, except at stage 5, the victim rises as another of the zombie's type, rather than a plague zombie. Switch to inches. STATISTICS. Latest Pathfinder 2e! I applied these (in order) to a Very Young White Dragon. Creating a Zombie "Zombie" is an acquired template that can be added to any corporeal creature (other than an undead), referred to hereafter as the base creature. The slam attackas well as any other natural attacksof a plague zombie carries the zombie rot disease. Check out our huge collection of hot Collectible Miniatures and receive Free Shipping at $99 to the continental U.S. Benefit: The effects of the smoke created by an alchemist's bomb duplicates the effects of contagion instead of fog cloud, filling an area equal to twice the bomb's splash area for 1 round per level. Creating a Zombie "Zombie" is an acquired template that can be added to any corporeal creature (other than an undead), referred to hereafter as the base creature. Plague Doctor. 99608 in stock sku: 60058. and slowly but surely filling it with more and more zombies as the plague spreads, changing their goal from "Lets see . Disease (Su) The zombie's natural attacks carry the zombie rot disease. OGRE ZOMBIE. I'll still use a horde, probably filled with slow zombies, with a few bursting into a sprint. | PFSRD (PF1) | PF2 SRD. Zombie, Plague - d20PFSR. $6.45/ea. So, I was hoping to run a zombie horror one shot for some friends of mine using some of the custom zombie rules in the pathfinder 2e bestiary, and I was looking for some suggestions to make some really memorable moments. Zombie, Voidstick. Zombie . WZK72598 Wizkids Pathfinder Deep Cuts Unpainted Miniatures: Elf Male Fighter. Open Game License. 10. $5.16/ea. A creature damaged by this attack is exposed to zombie rot. Defensive Abilities: A plague zombie does not gain DR 5/slashing. Type disease, injury or inhaled; Save Fortitude DC 17. OFFENSE. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Plague Zombie D&D Miniature Dungeons Dragons Bestiary Unleashed undead 13 Z at the best online prices at eBay! Zombie, Apocalypse Zombie Apocalypse Zombie CR 2 Source Pathfinder #45: Broken Moon pg. It is a combination of a Chaos infection and a physical malaise. Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2. Name Type Publisher Source; Aasimar Redeemer: monster: Paizo: Pathfinder 2 Bestiary Plague zombies are infested with hideous . 88) These zombies are prized by necromancers, as a single plague zombie can cause an army of undead to swell without greatly increased input on their creator's part. 468 Records Found. Plague zombies are infested with hideous contagions. $4.99. An infestation is a type of disease caused by parasites, rather than the usual forms of disease, and they require special means to cure and may be contracted by those normally immune to disease, including androids, for instance.
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