New Specifications: • Section 326: Placement and Construction of Polymer Modified Asphalt Concrete Scope . Volumetric Design for Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA) 1. Developmental Specifications (link to Program Management) Resources. The second layer, made of stone, is called the base course. Research Topics. The asphalt binder, sometimes referred to as the asphalt cement binder or the asphalt cement, is an essential component of asphalt concrete—it is as the name implies the cement that holds the aggregate together.The asphalt binder is a co-product of the petroleum-refining … Asphalt concrete paving shall conform to III-C2-AR-4000 as listed in Section 400-4 of the Public Works Specifications “GREENBOOK.” 2.02 ASPHALT Asphalt shall be viscosity grade AR 4000 or AR 8000. ASTM E108 - 11 - Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Roof Coverings (ULC S107). This report is a first step in the development of asphalt pavement specifications built around quality criteria that are truly related to pavement performance. Specification Information.
SECTION 401 - PLANT PRODUCTION Aggregate Subbase material shall conform to the requirements of Section 208 of the Specifications.
Asphalt Paving Specifications Notes: Design CBR is defined as 2/3 of the soaked CBR value. Use this specification for the acceptance of both hot mix and warm mix asphalt. 1) Specify either a Performance Grade (PG) 76 binder or an Asphalt-Rubber (A-R) binder on the set of plans. 39 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. BS 594987 Asphalt for roads and other paved areas – specification for transport, laying and compaction and design protocols. Ensure that materials comply with the specifications listed in Table 1. Table 1 – Full-Depth Asphalt Pavement Table 2 – Asphalt with Aggregate Sub-Base Pavement. " Standard Specifications issued in 2014 and contain both United States Customary and Metric units of measure. With the price of asphalt continuing to escalate, it’s understandable that many have … 2.03 AGGREGATE FOR ASPHALT CONCRETE Spray-Applied Penetrating Asphalt Rejuvenator Specification 1. 10) 5-15-17; Add the following definition for Specialty Items: “Specialty Item. revise the specification to reflect ASTM standard specification, added full section on MPL Qualification Procedure, and; removed Class 9 and 10 (both are emulsion materials tested in Item 300 and not part of the MPL). Freephone: +1 866 540 9577 Telephone: +1 859 288 4960 FAX: + 1 859 288 4999 Tex-538-C-202012-10) Table 1 – Full-Depth Asphalt Pavement Table 2 – Asphalt with Aggregate Sub-Base Pavement. Shingle Type: Architectural Shingles. D&E-02 Effective Date: July 8, 2015 Scheduled Review Date: July 8, 2020 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION 1. Recommendations provided by the geo-technical engineer should be followed during construction. The December 2018 FAA Advisory Circular states “P-401:…added use of the Asphalt Pavement Analyzer…eliminating the need to run stability and flow when using the Marshall Methods and allowing the same asphalt design criteria in Table 1 to … The top layer is the asphalt and should be two inches at a minimum. Section 39 Asphalt Concrete 4-3901 General. type s asphalt concrete , quality assurance and acceptance procedures (for local agency use - fdot archive specification). HQ Asphalt Laboratory: Joseph Kerstetter (615) 350-4173 ... Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction January 1, 2015 Subsection 101.03 (pg. Superpave Asphalt Binder High Polymer. EQUIPMENT 4. QC is defined as all activities required to produce HMA that meets all specification requirements. Asphalt cement modification has been practiced for over 50 years but has received added attention in the past decade or so. Asphalt Material shall conform to the requirements of Section 210 … All acceptance decisions are based using the adjusted price that is established within this specification. In our specifications database, you will find engine, weights, drive system hopper and service refill capacities specs of Caterpillar asphalt pavers. Section 39, “Asphalt Concrete,” of the Standard Specifications provides material and construction requirements for hot mix asphalt (HMA) including Type A, rubberized hot mix asphalt-gap graded (RHMA-G), open-graded friction course (OGFC), minor HMA, and hot mix asphalt with warm mix asphalt (WMA) additive technology. revise the specification to reflect ASTM standard specification, added full section on MPL Qualification Procedure, and; removed Class 9 and 10 (both are emulsion materials tested in Item 300 and not part of the MPL). Tyler Lacy (615) 350-4123 . Proper construction of asphalt pavement will ensure a project that provides good serviceability throughout its design life. Material: Fiberglass Asphalt Construction. Division 100 – General Provisions. Through the Heavy Haulers specifications database, you can compare Caterpillar asphalt paver specs with similar models from other manufacturers until you get the most suitable one. 3. C. The porous asphalt pavement specified herein is modified after the National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) specification outlined in Design, Construction, and Maintenance Guide for Porous Asphalt Pavements, Information Series 131 (2003) and Design, Construction, and Maintenance of Open-Graded Friction Courses, Information Series 115 (2002). Revision of Section 105 HMA Smoothnesss Revision of Section 105 PCCP Smoothnesss. c. AASHTO Specification 401 Hot Mix Asphalt Pavements 41 d. AASHTO Specification 404 Tack Coat 55 e. AASHTO Specification 409 Cold Milling Asphalt Pavement 61 f. AASHTO Specification 411 In-Place Cold Recycled Asphalt Pavement 65 g. AASHTO Specification 501 Portland Cement Concrete Pavement 68 h. These mixes include dense graded, open graded and gap grade mix technologies as well as a variety of surface mixes, intermediate mixes, base mixes and special application mixes. Performance Related Specifications Developments. DESCRIPTION 2. Portland Cement Concrete Pavement. The basic Articles required for a specification are: 1. C. Before placing asphalt concrete on untreated base, a liquid asphalt prime coat shall be applied to the base course in the areas to be surfaced in accordance with Section 39-4 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. OUTLINE OF SPECIFICATIONS Each specification is outlined by Articles and Sections. National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA). a. Fabric-asphalt interlayer b. Fiber-asphalt cement interlayer c. Asphalt rubber chipseal d. Unstabilized aggregate interlayers e. Stone dust bond breakers f. Thick overlays of large maximum size open-graded asphalt stabilized interlayers 3. DESCRIPTION This work shall consist of furnishing all materials, equipment, labor, and preparation necessary for the application of a topically applied plant-based or petroleum-based penetrating asphalt rejuvenating agent to 450. 2.5. AASHTO Superpave® specification M-320 is the most widely used asphalt binder specification in the United States (1). This Specification covers the requirements of constructing a Superpave Asphalt Concrete course using the type of mixture specified in the Contract, or when offered as alternates, as selected. A job mix revision is only allowed between LOTS. This new standard replaces Parts 2 of BS 498711 and BS 59412 and covers all the EN 13108 asphalt mixtures found in PD 6691. The Asphalt Supplier of Performance Graded (PG) asphalt binder and emulsified asphalt HOT MIX ASPHALT SPECIFICATION SPEC-926.doc/jd DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL: All plant mixed HMA items shall be furnished in accordance with Sections 401 and 402 of the New York State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications, Construction and Materials, dated May 1, 2008, and the MEASUREMENT 6. Specifications for asphalt cement are located in Section 820 of the GDOT Specifications. ” Section 39, “Hot Mix Asphalt,” of the Standard Specifications is an amendment to the special provisions of all contracts currently awarded by Caltrans. Wind Rating: 130 mph. Comply with Section 503, Equipment and Processes and the Application of Quality Assurance Specifications for Asphalt Concrete Mixtures (QA Manual). Section 1032 of the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge construction. (third in a series of 3 articles) Muench, S.T. 18-0225. 4. Field acceptance of asphalt mixtures will be based on asphalt binder content, gradation, and in-place density of the compacted asphalt pavement. Superpave Asphalt Binder PG 67-22. Asphalt Quick Reference (For Contracts Let after Jan. 2011) (*.pdf, 395kb); LS/DB Asphalt Pay Adjustment System (*.pptx, 68kb) Updated 2/22/17; QCRR - Calculating Engineer … C 5.5 PG 64-22 200 - 300 • Screening asphalt base – high stability • Special – Consult with OMR Pavement Design Unit D 5.0 PG 64-22 200 - 300 • Sand asphalt base – low stability SPECIALTY MIXES • Interstate OGFC 6.5 PG 76-22 125 • Open graded friction course • Primary and secondary PMTLSC 6.0 PG 64-22 0.75” HQ Asphalt Field Operations: Dr. Hong J. Many home and business owners have questions about asphalt paving specifications and how best to repair and maintain their asphalt. 2022 Asphalt Specifications Reorganization Webinar Hosted by the Ohio LTAP Center ODOT’s asphalt concrete specifications have evolved over many years with items added and deleted; changes to processes, equipment, testing, and mix design requirements; and many other revisions to the point they had become difficult to navigate and understand. RECENTLY ISSUED SPECIAL PROVISIONS Recently Issued Special Provisions. specifications were re-implemented as“Hot Mix Asphalt Using Statistical Pay Factors (SPF).” The new specifications are similar to the previous QCQA specifications, except that a pay factor for air voids replaces a pay factor of one of the aggregate gradation sieve sizes. Exposure: 5 5/8" (144 mm) Extreme Weather Impact Rated: No. Asphalt Paving Specifications . Item 301 Asphalt Concrete Base 145 Item 302 Asphalt Concrete Base 146 Item 304 Aggregate Base 149 Item 305 Portland Cement Concrete Base 152 Item 320 Rubblize And Roll 153. The following are several of the key elements to quality construction; 1. It is also used by the U. S. Forest Service and other Federal agencies on their projects. The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) specifications, standards, and test methods have been the standard in Virginia for more than 50 years. Durability & Toughness: Advanced Protection Shingle with GAF Dura Grip Adhesive. The Superpave mix shall be FAA 43 unless otherwise specified. Tex-538-C “Quality Monitoring for Rubber Asphalt Crack Sealers and Related Materials,” (Spec Committee No. A The Association and its members are dedicated to promoting asphalt pavements by developing pro- Restrengthening of cra~ked pavement prior to overlaying: a. Heater-scarification b. BASE DESIGNATIONS 19 MM Superpave 11/01/21. During that time VDOT has changed their nomenclature for asphalt mixes several times, typically following a major rewrite of their asphalt specifications and mix design criteria. James G. Speight PhD, DSC, in Asphalt Materials Science and Technology, 2016 10.3.1 Asphalt Binders. The first part, or layer, of a driveway is called the subbase course. History of Asphalt Grading Systems 4 • 1918 Bureau of Public Roads (now FHWA) developed penetration grades and recommended uses for northern and southern states • 1931 AASHTO published specifications • 1955 Thin film oven (TFO) test added • Current: Five penetration grades specified 40 - 50 120 - 150 APAO was formed in 1969 by a small group of asphalt paving contractors to develop improved specifications and products. Recently the standard asphalt specifications for construction of airports were updated to include Asphalt Pavement Analyzer (APA) results. (rev 01-01-00) (1-13) section 331type s asphalt concrete, qualityassurance and acceptance procedures. Asphalt furnished under these Specifications shall not have been distilled at a temperature high enough to produce flecks of carbonaceous matter, and upon arrival at the Work, shall show no signs of separation into lighter and heavier components. Once an asphalt mix design is approved, the mix may be used in any of the six communities per approved plans, details and specifications. 331-1 description. I. Arkansas 2003 Standard Specification for Highway Construction. This specification was developed based on the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) asphalt research, itself based primarily on … This specification is written as a municipal-oriented specification. J. ASTM D 4869 – Standard Specification for Asphalt –Saturated Organic Felt Shingle Underlayment Used in roofing. Special specifications are generally used for new materials/processes or for significant revisions to TxDOT Item #’s in standard specification book. General Information: A. The following is the procedure for asphalt producers to obtain approval of their asphalt mixes. The Maryland Asphalt Association recommends the use of these specifications. Asphalt concrete shall conform to Section 39 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications and these City Standard Specifications. The aggregate to asphalt ratio depends on many factors but generally ranges from 1:3 to 1:8 (aggregate: asphalt) at an average of 1:4.5. State Construction Pavement Engineer - Rich Hewitt (386) 943-5305. The Standard Specifications for the Construction of Roads and Bridges on Federal Highway Projects (FP) is issued primarily for constructing roads and bridges on Federal Highway projects under the direct administration of the Federal Highway Administration. Massachusetts Department of Transportation – Highway Division . asphalt concrete mixture in conformance with these specifications and in conformity with the lines, grades, thicknesses, and typical sections shown on the plans or established. Back in 2004 the Asphalt Institute (AI) and PRI Asphalt Technologies collaborated to develop a binder specification database by State. Anchor: #i1013899 Section 6: Hot-Mix Asphalt Pavement Mixtures Anchor: #i1013905 6.1 General. The MAG Standard Specifications and Details Committee, with assistance from five specialized working groups, considered 20 cases during the 2016 session. Asphalt Concrete shall conform to the requirements of Section 211 of the Specifications. MATERIALS 3. Park (615) 350-4127 . The components of asphalt include four main classes of compounds: Naphthene aromatics (naphthalene), consisting of partially hydrogenated polycyclic aromatic compounds. Polar aromatics, consisting of high molecular weight phenols and carboxylic acids produced by partial oxidation of the material. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS of May 4, 2006 217 Section 400 HOT MIX ASPHALT SECTION 401 - PLANT PRODUCTION 401-1 DESCRIPTION. Landham, MD. 11. Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges . Unless … 3) Specify the surface aggregate classification (SAC) on the set of plans. This specification covers the requirements for the materials, equipment, and methods to be followed for proportioning and mixing hot mix asphalt, including recycled mixes and mixes for miscellaneous work. 2696 Research Park Drive Lexington, KY 40511-8480. 401-1.1 This item shall consist of pavement courses composed of mineral aggregate and asphalt cement binder (asphalt binder) mixed in a central mixing plant and placed on a prepared course in accordance with these specifications and shall conform to the lines, grades, thicknesses, and typical cross-sections shown on the plans. The Asphalt Pavement Association of Oregon is a non-profit trade association representing contractors and associated firms. and Mahoney, J.P. (2001). 891. Superpave Asphalt Binder PG 52-28. The type of asphalt binder for each mix will be included on the approved GDOT Job Mix Formula for each type of mix. Performance grading is based on the idea that asphalt binder properties should be related to the conditions under which it is used. PG asphalt binders are selected to meet expected climatic conditions as well as aging considerations with a certain level of reliability. Tex-538-C “Quality Monitoring for Rubber Asphalt Crack Sealers and Related Materials,” (Spec Committee No. POLICY It is the policy of the Department of Transportation to set standards for the These FAQs are categorized into subject areas listed in the contents drop-down box below. Caltrans has recently updated and retitled Standard Specification Section 39 “Asphalt Concrete,” to Section 39 “Hot Mix Asphalt. For concrete aggregate, NMS is the smallest standard sieve. Asphalt Quick Reference (For Contracts Let after Jan. 2011) (*.pdf, 395kb) LS/DB Asphalt Pay Adjustment System (*.pptx, 68kb) Updated 2/22/17; QCRR - Calculating Engineer Approved Changes (*.pptx, 624kb) Added 8/7/17 VDOT Specifications for SM-4.75, SM-9.0, SM-9.5, SM-12.5, and IM-19.0 can be found in Section 211 of the 2016 VDOT Road and Bridges Specification Book. Division 500 – Rigid Pavement The Asphalt Materials section of the Office of Materials Management conducts testing and personnel approvals in support of ODOT Districts project contract administration, contractor and supplier approvals, material investigations, as well as implementation of new specifications and technology. The newest revision of the Advisory Circle (AC) 150/5370-10H “Standard Specifications for Construction of Airports” was released in December 2018. NMDOT specifications include a wide range of asphalt mixes for a wide range of applications. Asphalt Density – The Definitive Guide. A Quantification and Evaluation of WSDOT’s Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete Statistical Acceptance Specification. Wind Warranty: 130 mph. mixes. The report provides a history of materials and construction specifications and summarizes current knowledge in quality assurance. 6, no. Prime coat shall be applied at the rate of 0.25 gallons per square yard. Most Commonly Specified/Used Asphalt Mixes. Structural Materials for Traffic Control Devices and Highway Lighting. -Asphalt concrete is designated as Type A, Type B, Type C, or Open Graded. Asphalt Content Basis –Asphalt Used vs. Production Lot size = 1 day’s production of mix AC Used = AC on hand + AC delivered –AC remaining at day’s end Pay Factor out of Table 401.5.3-3 Section 9 - 43 0 l P AC D % AC x There are numerous binder additives available on the market today. 326 Asphalt Concrete - Class HR ..... 169 330 Prime, Tack, Fog Seal, and Flush Seal .................................................................. 171 332 Cold Milling Asphalt Concrete ................................................................................ 177 Through the Heavy Haulers specifications database, you can compare Caterpillar asphalt paver specs with similar models from other manufacturers until you get the most suitable one. Specification Information. Available below (as downloadable pdf files) are individual documents for each of the 50 State highway agencies whic… VDOT Specifications for SM-4.75, SM-9.0, SM-9.5, SM-12.5, and IM-19.0 can be found in Section 211 of the 2016 VDOT Road and Bridges Specification Book. Superpave Asphalt Binder PG 76-22 (ARB) Superpave Asphalt Binder PG 76-22 (PMA) Superpave Asphalt Binder PG 82-22 (PMA) 919 - Ground Tire Rubber. Division 200 – Site Preparation and Earthwork. Page 3 CITY OF FARGO SPECIFICATIONS REVISED 2015 2.4. ASTM D3462 - Standard Specification for Asphalt Shingles Made From Glass Felt and Surfaced with Mineral Granules. In our specifications database, you will find engine, weights, drive system hopper and service refill capacities specs of Caterpillar asphalt pavers. Asphalt is a mixture of aggregates such as stones, sand, gravel, and petroleum binders, including bitumen. The current Texas DOT standard specifications asphalt pavement sections, specifically Item 340â Dense-Graded Hot-Mix Asphalt (Small Quantity), and Item 341â Dense- Graded Hot-Mix Asphalt, include the HWTD test for both the mix design qualification and for acceptance, as shown in web-only Appendix D. CDOT 2019 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS BOOK. Type C asphalt concrete shall be as specified in the special provisions. General Description These specifications cover the requirements for the construction of Superpave Asphalt Pavement Material (APM). WA-RD 517.1. Asphalt Paving Specifications. SPECIFICATIONS FOR ASPHALT PAVING, MATERIALS, SAMPLING, AND TESTING Public Works Department Page 1 1.0 GENERAL This specification covers asphalt to be used for the construction of roads, laneways, parking lots, and bikepaths. Performance Grade Asphalt. Performance Graded Asphalt (PG) is a type of Modified Asphalt which is classified by performance according to applicable or designated temperature. Avoid working or storing near any source of flame or excess heat. Temperature in storage tanks should not exceed 150°C for PG64 and 180°C for PG70 and PG 76 as... Serving the needs of liquid asphalt manufacturers and suppliers worldwide since 1919. SuperPave Grading of Asphalt Binders In the 1990’s State DOT’s began to specify SHRP or Performance Grades of Asphalts. If the HMA mixture does not meet the acceptance control limits, submit a revision to the job mix acceptance target values provided the revised job mix meets all of the requirements of the specifications. 18-0226 (2) 504. Prime Coat Material SS-1H. Tex-538-C-202012-10) SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS. 1. Superpave mixes are identified as Type SP-9.5, Type SP-12.5 or Type SP-19.0. Tack Coat: IDOT SS-1, SS1hP, CSS- 1, CSS-1hP, emulsified asphalt or- cationic emulsified asphalt, slow curing, diluted in water, per Section 1032of the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction and of suitable grade and consistency for application. Provides individual specifications from AC 150/5370-10, Standards for Specifying Construction of Airports, including construction standards for general provisions, earthwork, flexible base courses, rigid base courses, flexible surface courses, rigid pavement, fencing, drainage, turfing, lighting installation, pavement rejuvenation PG 76-22 is a polymer modified asphalt cement and is normally used for high traffic areas. During that time VDOT has changed their nomenclature for asphalt mixes several times, typically following a major rewrite of their asphalt specifications and mix design criteria. REVISION OF SECTION 403 - HOT MIX ASPHALT MATERIALS Hot Mix Asphalt - Revision of Section 403hma Updated - February 2015 Home » Engineering » Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) » Asphalt Pavement Construction While there are an infinite number of questions that can be asked, we compiled a list of those questions that have been directed to us the most. Notes: Design CBR is defined as 2/3 of the soaked CBR value. Asphalt content in the pavement shall be 5.5% to 6.0%. We tried … Continue reading Asphalt Pavement Construction Errata to 2003 Edition Standard Specifications for Highway Construction. Section 506 — Gap-Graded Stone Matrix Asphalt 547 Section 507 — Slurry Seal and Micro-Surfacing 550 Section 508 — Milling Asphalt Pavement 558 Section 509 — Diamond Grinding 562 Section 510 — Filling and Sealing Cracks and Joints in Asphalt Pavements 564 2020 Standard Specifications for Construction and Materials 1150.01.01 Specification Significance and Use . CONSTRUCTION OR WORK METHODS 5. Hot Mix Asphalt Develops and maintains statewide Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) related policies, procedures and specifications for directing implementation of the statewide HMA mixtures program. Fire Rating: Highest Rating - Class A. K. ASTM E 108 – Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Roof Coverings. From that initiative, the AI Regional Engineers have over the years enhanced and maintained the currency of this binder spec database. 2) If different aggregate quality requirements (listed in Table 1) are desired, specify on the set of plans. Special specifications 3,000 to 3,999 assigned for Surface Courses/Pavements Background of Specifications for FDR using Emulsion & … 331-1.1 general: Some asphalt cements require modification in order to meet specifications. The Specifications of a Driveway. SUPERPAVE MIX PROPERTIES AND RECYCLED ASPHALT PAVEMENT (RAP) Superpave mix properties and RAP (if used) shall be in accordance with Section 430 of the NDDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. They include the general requirements for the construction of one or more lifts of on a prepared APM surface. Although many people believe that sealcoating and paving are basically the same, they are actually two different procedures. Asphalt paving is the process of applying layers of asphalt over dirt or other surfaces to form roads, parking lots or driveways. Sealcoating is the process of applying a thin layer of coating over an existing asphalt surface. The most widely used hot mix asphalt specifications in Maryland are those contained in the State Highway Administration Standard Specifications for Construction and Materials dated July 2008 including revisions and additions. The Asphalt Concrete Paving equipment, weather limitations, jobmix formula, mixing, construction methods, compaction, finishing, tolerance, and protection shall conform to the requirements of the appropriate sections of the State Highway Specifications for the type of material specified.
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